The Apple iPhone 4.0 is the first ever 4 network compatible phone device and still continues to rule the markets all across the globe even though some competition has come in the in between months.
We are talking in millions here!
White the rest of the competition is making do with thousands and may be lakhs of unit sales,

the Apple iPhone 4.0 is running up staggering millions of units sales and that too in double quick time. It is the combined might of the futuristic technology that is present in the iPhone 4.0 together with the super efficient marketing machinery of Apple that is proving to be unbeatable for the competition. In sheer volume of sales recorded in recent months, the Apple iPhone 4.0 has left far, far behind the likes of Nokia N8, HTC Desire HD and several other competing smartphones. Only the Samsung Galaxy S has come up to its level, by selling an impressive 10 million units.
Specs are par excellence!
Whatever else you do or say, the product has to be good. At least this much is certain. How else can you explain the phenomenal success that the Apple iPhone 4.0 is enjoying in every possible nook and corner of the globe. Everyone from the Queen of Elizabeth (yes she is also a self confessed Apple fan and was recently during Prince William's wedding presented with a new Apple iPad 2 by the bridegroom himself) and the company executive to the college going kid to the housewife next door seems to be raving about it).
The retina vision display on the TFT touch sensitive and scratch resistant 3.5 inches wide touchscreen is the talk of the town ever since the fourth generation iPhone emerged from the assembly lines and straight into the store shelves on June 7, 2011.
Apple recently has upgraded its operating system to iOS 4.3 and this version is given in its official web site that any iPhone 4.0 user can upgrade to for free. This means even more faster and dexterous and robust speeds that will be obtained for sure. This OS coupled with the monstrous A4 chip set sets the bell rolling Or should we say cash register here?
The safari browser and the face time camera and the fact that you can download to your heart's content videos and movies and watch them in high definition are other star attractions. Probably the one single factor that sets the iPhone 4.0 apart is the fact that here the downloads in terms of applications that you can do so is simply put mind boggling. And it does seem like this feature will remain unmatched for some time to come by the immediate rival in Android.
What is more, the Apple iPhone 4.0 also does not cost a bomb!
Here is a short listing of the more juicy ones, just for you!
Network Carrier
Device Cost
Incentives, if any
Effective monthly Cost
£ 40 per month for 24 months
Free iPhone 4.0
900 minutes of calling, unlimited text messages and free bluetooth headset
£ 40
£ 50 per month for 24 months
Free iPhone 4.0
1200 minutes of calling, unlimited text messages and free connection
£ 50
3 Mobile
£ 43 per month for 24 months
Free iPhone 4.0
900 minutes of calling, 5000 text messages and free connection
£ 43
£ 61.27 per month for 24 months
Free iPhone 4.0
Unlimited calling, 500 text messages and free connection
£ 61.27
Apple iPhone 4.0 as a SIM free device
£ 565 inclusive of VAT
Apple iPhone 4.0 as a Pay as You Go Mobile Phone
£ 499.99