Some people make a cell phone lookup much more complicated that it really needs to be. Finding a mobile phone user is about as simple as locating the right kind of phone directory to conduct an inquiry with. Once you have found a good resource from which to find a wireless user,

you will have discovered a resource that allows you to search for the owner of virtually any telephone number.
The first and most important point to understand about doing a cell phone lookup is that there are basically two types of phone directories: “free” and “paid”.
Here's a quick explanation on each of these 2 directories.
Free Phone Directories
These directories have been existence for about as long as phone numbers have been around. And their job is to provide the public with a free resource to identify the owner of both listed landline and business telephone numbers.
Just keep in mind that the telephone number has to actually be listed in the phone directory in order to find the owner. If the user of the telephone number has chosen to have his or her telephone number unlisted in the phone directory, you will not be able to find the owner's personal information using a free telephone directory.
But if the telephone number is both listed and either a business or landline telephone number, you will be able to freely obtain the owner's name and present living address.
But if your intent is to discover other details such as past addresses, names of the caller's relatives, other phone numbers the caller uses, age, etc.; you are going to have to move your search to the next directory we'll go over.
Paid Phone Directories
These directories are the place you will go to search for the owners of unlisted landline and business phone numbers. They also represent the only place you will be able to perform a cell phone lookup to acquire a completely accurate and fully up-to- date report for the owner of a mobile phone number.
And there's a pretty good reason behind this.
Wireless numbers are still considered privately held information here in the States. And when you are dealing with private information, you are looking at a fee in order to discover the user of one of the wireless numbers owned by the cellular company that actually owns the number you want a report for.
But you don't pay this fee directly to the mobile phone carrier that owns the number.
No, what you do is pay a fee to a paid reverse phone directory. It doesn't matter which company owns whatever mobile number you may search, this directory is more than likely going to have the answers to your questions.
And the way they are able to provide these answers is by entering into agreements with the wireless companies to actively keep their databases full of the most current information on each wireless number they distribute reports for.
This is critically important when searching mobile numbers. Mobile numbers exchange different owners much more often than those of landline numbers.
A report from a directory such as this is going to give you the user of the number's full name, the address of present living address, complete list of prior addresses, wireless carrier name, other telephone numbers in the user's name, family member names, and, typically, much more.