If you are anything like me,
you try every single option available before you finally break down and pay for something you cannot do for yourself. Cell phone reverse lookups are no exception. I spent the better part of an afternoon one day trying everything I could possibly think of before I finally threw in the towel and coughed up the few dollars necessary to learn the name, address, and other personal information I was looking for in connection to a certain cell phone number.
So, Why Are The Results of Cell Phone Reverse Lookups Not Free?
The answer is really very simple.
Mobile numbers are classified as private information. This means that the companies that own and service these telephone numbers are not legally obligated to provide the identifying information connected with these numbers to the public.
Up until a few short years ago, the telephone companies didn't even bother to sell this information. So, if you were being bothered by prank calls, telemarketers, or bill collectors, the only way you could find out for sure the identity of a certain wireless number was by getting the authorities or a private detective involved. The grief and expense this involved was too much for most people to bear.
Now, though, the telephone companies sell the most recent information behind every mobile number they own to reverse cell phone directories that operate websites where anyone can now gather the results of a cell phone reverse lookup within a matter of minutes.
These directories are a one-stop destination to find the identifying information behind every kind of telephone number you can think of. You can perform a search on the following kinds of telephone numbers:
1. Wireless
2. Unlisted
3. Listed landline/business
4. VoIP
5. Fax
So, the reason why people like you and me have to pay money to access the results of any search is because:
a) Mobile numbers are not considered public information
b) Telephone companies that own this data sell the most recent information to third party date brokers - the reverse mobile phone directories
c) The mobile phone directories make the results available to anyone, but pass along the fee they paid to the telephone companies for the ability to provide this information to the public.
Don't worry too much about the cost, though. The fee is very manageable and each report is backed with a money back guarantee by the better directories.