Choosing The Right Satellite Phones For Your Needs
It shouldn't be surprising that many people have a need for a sat phone. One good example is that exotic vacation where a rented one is very necessary. For others, because of various reasons, this is the only choice they have available if they want a phone. These are people who either work or live in the remoteness of the planet where no terrestrial phone or cell service is available.
It shouldn't be surprising that many people have a need for a sat phone. One good example is that exotic vacation where a rented one is very necessary. For others,

because of various reasons, this is the only choice they have available if they want a phone. These are people who either work or live in the remoteness of the planet where no terrestrial phone or cell service is available. Regardless of the your reasons, you will want to get the best deal for your needs. This often includes pricing, coverage, company customer service and phone options.
There are several satellite systems that cover the different regions of the planet. To get good phone service and coverage in the remoteness of regions, can sometimes become a big deal. This is where Iridium can be a God send, they offer complete coverage of the entire world. 66 satellites make up their system of coverage and does make communication happen. This is a very good choice for oil rig people or remote researchers in the vast emptiness of the planet.
When you use a sat phone it is different from a cell in terms of billing. Whereas a cell plan will cover a certain amount of minutes used for talking the sat plans will charge for each call made. They vary from company to company and the plan that you get will be based on how much you are planning on using it. There is a monthly fee and the per call fee can be as low as 99 cents per out bound call.
Globalstar, many people are finding out, seems to be the most affordable satellite phone company. They cover around 120 countries and have sat phones starting at around $150.00. As good and affordable as this might seem, in certain areas there is service issues. Make sure that the areas you will be needing the service in has issue free service before you decide to use Globalstar as your satellite service company.
The new days of satellite phone service offer many choices for where you live and travel. Other sat service companies include Thuraya and cater to Africa, Europe and some parts of the Asia. Inmarsat boasts African coverage in addition to Europe, parts of the Middle East and North America and Inmarsat also offers the service Broad Band Area Global Network. This Inmarsat BGAN service allows internet access from most anywhere on the planet.