Creating Applications To Enhance the “Night Life”
When Friday hits and work is finally done, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get out of the house and have a little fun. Night clubs and bar...
When Friday hits and work is finally done,

there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get out of the house and have a little fun. Night clubs and bars are taking client interaction to another level with the creation of Android apps that allow patrons to get specific information, purchase tickets for special events, or simply share media captured within the club itself. All of these elements come together to create an experience that can be hard to match, which is why we are seeing so many venues taking the initiative and creating mobile smartphone applications specifically for their clients. This is a newly emerging niche, however, so if you are one of those night-owl patrons that love to hit the club on a Saturday night, you may have a great application concept that you should look into creating – we’ll help explain how you can do that a bit later in the segment.Special EventsEvery night club or pub hosts special events at some point in the year. Regular patrons can take advantage of exclusive offers through the use of company based applications. If a popular DJ is performing, notifying customers can be simple. If the club that you frequent utilizes a web-based application, consider downloading and installing it. If you are a venue owner, you can create your own Android OS application through a platform such as Andromo. The templates are in place to give a developer everything they need to create a valuable program that patrons can utilize through their mobile devices.Private EngagementsPrivate engagements can be an important revenue stream for clubs everywhere, and when patrons know how they can interact with a venue’s management, the chances that they consider your location for their event drastically increase. Perhaps you consider including a viewable calendar for vacancies or important dates? If so, you can generate simple, yet effective platform that your clients can use to learn everything about your business.Paying Cover Charges And Joining the Guest ListParticular patrons may not want to stand in line when they are getting ready for a night out on the town. To reward those that regularly visit your location, consider giving them the tools to pay cover charges in advance or put names on a “Guest List”. If you’ve ever been out with friends like mine, you know that plans change in an instant. Instead of leaving your location’s attendance up to chance happenings, give them the ability to purchase tickets or pay entrance fees hours before they arrive. This helps to ensure that plans won’t change, and if they do, at least they paid a cover charge, right?Night clubs are a shining example of how creating Android apps can benefit both the client and the business. With so much competition in a given city, doing more than your competitors to enhance the experience of your patrons will go a long way toward helping you build strong relationships and earn a loyal clientele. Downloading and installing applications is simple, but creating them is another story entirely. We mentioned the online programs that provide templates previously, and because programmers are now offering up some of the tools of the trade to business owners like yourself, there aren’t many reasons to put off creating a mobile app. Will it blow the minds of every user? That is all in your hands, be the app builder; when you give consumers convenience, they feel appreciated and the image of your organization as a whole is elevated. Take your night club to the next level by introducing communicative technology to the marketing plan…consider creating an app.