Have you been itching to get a VoIP phone system with voicemail number for your company? Have you been holding it off for so long that it now feels li...
Have you been itching to get a VoIP phone system with voicemail number for your company? Have you been holding it off for so long that it now feels like you have been left behind? Right now,

you might be thinking that you are company still dwells within the old world, one that your competitors left long ago.
Be that as it may, you can still catch up with your competitors and whatever their voicemail system might be. Even if your knowledge of voice mailing is only as fuzzy as your want-to-be-forgotten-awkward-years memory, there's no need for you to worry big time. That's the job of your voicemail number service provider. But just to cover the basics, the following might be some questions you may have on VoIP voicemail and some answers to help you understand.
Can I have a couple of mailboxes for my voicemail extension number?
This would rely entirely on the service plan you'd subscribe to. Even so, the trend in the competitive VoIP voicemail business dictates that keeping a client satisfied while operating on the lowest possible expense is a sure-fire way to get a new client. This indicates that most of the VoIP service providers are most likely to provide numerous mailboxes for your staff extensions. What you should filter from these offers though is how many mailboxes any given provider can offer and how easily can it be managed.
Can the Voicemail Be Easily Hacked?
In contrast to the old tape-recorded messages, the new voicemail number systems used today allows you to access your messages in a click or two in the pc. Or if it's more convenient to you, you can even access them via the usual phone call you are used to.
What's more efficient about it is that you can get e-mail warnings for every voicemail sent to your company's voicemail number, using the attached voice message. There's no more issues on "short notice" messages as you are able to access the voice mails via an Internet-connected pc, your landline or your smart phone.
You can also go with the messages individually in their digital formats. If required, you can even send them to other concerned staff like the way you would send a normal email with attachments.
Does VoIP voicemail require high-end computers?
Besides the office computers you already have and the service provider's IP phones with your assigned VoIP account, there's not much that requires upgrading. Because the voice mails will be handled in the cloud PBX system of your service provider's server, you won't need to be concerned about upgrading your office equipment and paying for its high price.
Keeping in touch with as many clients at any given time is essential for any business. To make certain that no client is left in the mercy of irritating instrumentals whilst on hold for so long, getting a busy tone, or listening to an endless ring with nobody picking up; upgrade your voice mail system and take your company into greater heights. Who knows, the next voice mail you will get might be your first-class ticket to soaring above the business clouds.