GPS Navigation Reviews
GPS systems have come a long way, with improved features and updated technology there is a smashing line up.
Having a navigation system in your car,

is more than just a map telling you where to go. It is a total computer system that truly makes you feel like you`re not alone in your car anymore. With the amount of things that you can access from it, it is a wonder how anyone ever lived without them in the past. There are lots of models to choose from and each one features something different from the rest.
The Insignia is a base model that holds its own when stacked against its competitors. Its highlight is that it features a build in Google connectivity that is quite handy when drivers are getting around. A clear interface makes it easy to use and view the information being given. The only drawback is that the system is a bit slow to respond to requests, which means you might get frustrated while you`re driving which is not a good thing. On the plus side, the screen vibrates as you press buttons which lets you know that the system is responding to your requests. The graphics are not the greatest but it does have a twitter feature and a gas buddy option so that you can get to gas stations where ever you are.
Garmin Nuvi 26ST. Is another great model. It has lane assist features with 3D buildings and photo navigation systems. This product is a great bargain for the money and will provide you with lots of extras. It will also estimate what your fuel cost will be for trips of any sort and will assist you with your gas mileage breakdown, for a more fuel efficient trip. With Blue-tooth, it gives it an edge; however it doesn`t always read all of the contacts on your phone, which can be quite annoying. It also gives out a complete set of maps, free traffic reports for life and a picture navigation system for optimum viewing. The eco-route planning and text to speech ability make this navigation system ideal for everyone.
TomTom is a navigation system that has been around since the day they were introduced, and while several models have emerged since then, it is still a great device that remains a top seller. It features; lane assist, multisegment trip planning, advanced routing and if live trafficking needs are a concern, a separate receiver is needed. This product also features some enhanced maps and expanded interest points for an even better journey. You can also plot your destination right on to your PC, making it more convenient to look at and share with others. It also features a great option called IQ routes; this allows you to plan out your best route somewhere based on your speed and the route.
With all of these great systems there is sure to be one that fits your budget and lifestyle. The features allow you to really do some amazing things while you`re on the go. With things like Google, and Blue-tooth, along with traffic updates and map routing, you can efficiently get from A-B, with ease. There is no more need for paper maps, or asking the guy at the gas station for help, your car and your GPS system is all you need. One day, people will never even remember life without these nifty little gadgets.