These day it seems as if you can find out any piece of information you could possibly want to find out. Finding the owner of a cell phone number is just one of these things. All that is reqiured is knowing where to search for this information and why.
Have you ever tried using a free phone directory to find the owner of a mysterious call? This can be a pretty hit and miss process if you are not sure what kind of number you are searching. A free directory can give you the caller's name and address if the number is a listed landline number,

but if the number is wireless or unlisted, the free directory will no longer be able of service to you.
If you want to find a cell phone user or the owner of any other number you have not been able to find in a free directory, the only option open to the public is searching the number with a paid reverse phone directory. Certain phone numbers in this country are considered public, while others are considered private. The public numbers are what free directories specialize in because public numbers are free. However, private numbers are outside of the free directories ability to deliver information about because these numbers are private.
Private numbers will always necessitate a payment. Yet as more and more reverse phone directories come into existence, you shouldn't expect that fee to be all that much. If knowing the identity of a particular unknown call is worth about $14 or so to you, you are just a few clicks away from knowing his or her full name, the address of current residence, a list of past addresses, the identity of the wireless carrier, household members, approximately how old the caller is, what they do for a living, alternate phone numbers owned, etc.
Keep in mind that wireless numbers are not the only phone numbers you can search with this directory. You can also obtain much more detailed reports on the landline numbers already found in the free directories. But you cannot search fax, pager, VoIP, and unlisted numbers with the free directories. So, having a subscription to a paid reverse phone directory is not only very useful when you need to find a cell phone user, but also when you are looking to locate and get the name for the other numbers that cannot be found using a free directory.
Reasons to Find a Cell Phone User
Some of the most common motives for wanting to find the name and address for mysterious calls are:
1) People that are searching for those they have lost touch with over the years. This happens too many times in life. Someone we used to really enjoy being around just slowly drifts away. One of the best ways to reestablish ties with this person is by searching an old phone number you have for them.
2) People that are trying to stop unwanted phone calls from telemarketers. Even though telemarketers are required by law not to call wireless numbers unless the owner of the number opted into a telemarketing list, this still doesn't stop some unscrupulous companies from doing so. People that want to stop these calls permanently can find out where the call is coming from and report them to the appropriate agencies.
3) People that want to find out the name and address in connection with mysterious calls that keep coming in. These calls happen much more than some people may realize. Having access to a resource that can confidentially give you the caller's identity is a service many people make use of every single day.
The ability to find a cell phone user with a reverse phone directory is something that is here to stay. The next time you find yourself in a situation where you feel you just have to learn an unknown caller's identity, you can find out in the time it takes to make a cup of coffee.