The International phone cards allow you to make calls to anywhere on the planet. You can call from virtually anywhere and from any phone. You need not disconnect your long distance calling in order to use an international prepaid card. The cards are slim and small to slip into your pocket. Therefore, you can carry them with you all the times.
International Prepaid Phone Cards: Pros and Cons
The benefit of the international prepaid phone cards is that you have hundred of points in the calling card that you can use to call anywhere across the globe. The same advantage is also a disadvantage. As the cards are very small and slim, they are easily prone to loss. You have to keep them in a safe place else not only you lose the International Prepaid Card, you also lose the amount of money associated with the card. There is no way you can compensate for the loss.
When you go for the international phone cards, you do not have to pay anything extra to activate the card. There are no maintenance charges. You need not enter any contract with the service provider.
The best thing is that you can make calls from any phones. They can be landline phones, home or office phones, or even a pay-phone. You can also use the ones available in the hotels and lodges to make international calls. You can convert your local cell phone to an ISD calling device using these cards. In case you feel that you no more need the card, you just return it and get the balance amount back. The last point is applicable to some service providers only. In addition, you can get more charge to the International Prepaid Cards from anywhere. It can be your own country or any foreign country.
International Prepaid Cards: How to Use
The prepaid phone cards are also known as mobile debit cards. You need cash to purchase the card. Once purchased, you can simply dial a Toll Free number. Once you get connected, you will be asked for your personal identification PIN. This pin is provided at the time of purchase of the card. Once the PIN is accepted, you can dial any number and talk to your people anywhere on the planet.
Why are International Phone Cards Cheaper
The technology that the normal cell phones use is either CDMA or GSM. Both require costly equipment on the end of the service provider. The service provider needs to put in towers at regular distances as well as the signal boosters so that the phone signals do not fade out. The strength of the GSM phone signals is not strong enough to cross a hard barrier. This is the reason you lose connection when you are in a lift or in your office cabin.
On the contrary, the international prepaid phone cards use the technology of VoIP. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. The technology employs a fixed line to the Toll Free number you call and the internet wireless signals thereafter. As the internet signals are strong enough to cross all the barriers, you get better signals at very cheaper rates.