Key to Good & Successful Presentation
This article highlights on how to give good & successful presentation.
Every Business person or Student or a Sales person is required to give Presentations. Some are Successful and others are not Here are few points which highlights on how to give Good Presentation:- 1) You are very well aware of the Topic,

so prepare well in advance i.e 2 – 3 days in advance so that you have ample time to practice. 2) Know your Venue: Find out about the Venue where you will be presenting so that you can reach there before time & you are comfortable with the surroundings. 3) Know your Target Audience: Know your Target audience so that you know what you should present & how much informative you should be. For example if you are going to give presentation to Company's Top Notch Executives you need to be more informative but if you are going to give the same presentation to Specific Consumer segment you just need to highlight positive aspects of product you are selling. 4) You can prepare a Power Point presentation slides because it looks more professional. Have a written copy or print out ready in case you need it. 5) Do not lose your cool. Keep in mind that you have to be Successful & your audience too expects you to succeed. 6) Give a good start to your presentation with a proverb then start with the presentation. 7) Divide your presentation into Introduction, Body and Conclusion. Conclusion is very important as you summarize every point and leave an impression about the product to the audience. 8) Have a good eye contact with people while giving presentation. 9) Do not pause to say sorry if you miss something in between, carry on as no one notices such small things. 10) After your presentation is over you have to face the Question and Answer session. Answer carefully. If you do not know answer to few questions just drop your Email Id & say that you are running short of time & you will answer them by Email. Last but not the lease never let your weakness out there before the audience because they are very smart and they will catch you & grill you. So All The Best for your Presentation.