LG Optimus Pad : Bring home 3-D effect with it
LG Optimus Pad is going to be the first tablet PC from LG. It will have the latest features and is going to be the first tablet with 3-D effects.
The brand LG is there for a long time in a wide variety of streams in the broader field of electronic gadgets. In most of the streams they are into,

they feature into the top three. In the particular space of the mobile phones and associated gadgets they do enjoy a definite edge over the competitors. Actually, there are numerous classes of mobile handsets like smartphones and numerous price points. LG has its presence across all of these. In the specific space of tablets, they lacked representation. The company has tried to correct it by the launch of LG Optimus Pad.
As the markets are growing it seems that things are changing quite rapidly. The tablet space is turning out to be the most popular among all. This is why LG too is trying to make its presence felt in this space. And, what better way that this Optimus Pad, which will be the first tablet PC till date to have 3D capability. There are many established players in this space. These are the much successful Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy S. Apart from these two there are many others too which are playing their part to their satisfaction. Actually, the space of tablet PCs are turning out to be quite important for all the companies. This is so, because all the companies are keen t tap the opportunity which is surely lying there.
It is for the user preference that these are doing so well. The features and specifications that are offered through these tablet PCs, in fact, cover the needs of those who need laptops. That is one basic reason for the popularity of these handsets. Coming back to the inbuilt features of the handset it will sport a 8.9 inches wide touch screen display. It is coming equipped with 3-D support. One can capture 3D videos in 720p with the help of the dual 5MP cameras. It has the features that allow the users to watch this 3D videos over the 3D TVs and Laptops. There are some requirements to watch the video over the Pad.
In order to get the 3D effect users need to use 3-D glasses. The operating system used in it will be Android 3.0 operating system. Along with it the presence of dual core processors will definitely streamline the functions for the users. So, it can well be said that in all likelihood, it will bring cheers to the company. Those who like the user centric attitude of the gadgets manufactured by the company are definitely going to like it.