Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro : Mini wonder with big deals
Sony Ericsson, a name about wonderful, advanced and fashionable gadgets has recently come with Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro.
It is generally known that a mini version of large phone comes with a number of features sacrificed in order to appear in a compact form. But this rule is no longer prevalent with the devices coming from Sony Ericsson over the last few years. There are several of devices from the brand that boast many of the features,

found with large sized smart phones. To offer great compatibility of features with mini devices, some changes on processor and screen cannot be denied. However the new Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro coming with fully functional QWERTY keyboard and all the goodies of bigger one is contrary to the tradition of miniatures. Despite of coming with reduced size of screen and smaller body, it does not hamper any feature and applications.
The handset being mini, no doubt, joins the growing list of wonderful smart phones. The most surprising thing about the phone is how the engineers of the phone could incorporate a fully QWERTY keyboard beneath a screen that is just 3 inch thick. To enjoy the keyboard, just hold the phone in landscape mode and push the screen upwards, there appears a user friendly keyboard. The next thing to notice about the handset is how this well built is better than some of the cheaper slider phones. Well, here we tell, there are four row of keys with enough of space among them so that you don't tap on the wrong key or in the middle of two keys, given the constraint size of the screen.
As the manufacturers of the gadget have endowed the gadget with fully QWERTY keyboard, they have not forgotten to equip it with social networking integration. So the new Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro provides more interactive content than any other. With this new feature the user can share both audio track and snaps along with inflating your contact list with various information.
Owing to all these and many other features Xperia Mini Pro, is one of the most portable phones available in the market. However, the downside of the phone may come into notice when you push it in your pocket and it slips in to the bottom and comes in to contact with other things in your pocket. You fear that things like coins and keys could scratch the display, but don't worry and thanks to its Gorilla Glass which is scratch resistant that not only protects the screen from unwanted scratches bu bless it with a longer and beautiful life. It also helps to maintain the responsiveness of the screen. The screen though not big, yet whatever you see on the screen appears in utmost clarity doesn't look awkward. The makers have made use of total space on the screen.