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The importance of proper communication cannot be understated and good communication skills are one of the best and most required qualities at workplaces. Communication in all senses is important, however, experts opine that being candid, firm and honest, yet polite with people at your place of work, will help enhance relations and lead to higher productivity. The trivial everyday issues can also be resolved effectively, failing which they could get bigger by the day. If problems constantly linger in your mind, do you think you’ll be able to concentrate on work? No, right, so speak up whenever you think your right and it’s necessary. You have all the freedom to, but remember that speaking out does not imply yelling nor does it mean ignorance of other’s people’s feelings. Many people either speak out with no consideration for the feelings of others, while some others prefer keeping quiet, all together. I suggest neither. I recommend you to chose a mid way, where you speak your mind, but considering other people’s feelings too. Just like you have your own opinions and want them to be respected, others expect that too.
Suppressing your feelings either because you are apprehensive or are presuming that you’ll go unheard, won’t land you anywhere, because in the end its you who’s to suffer for not conversing when you should have. Don’t ignore the possibility of this silence in turn being detrimental for your job. So why not at least make an attempt to be heard and overcome this fear? How about opting for a direct, yet subtle technique to drive your point across to the other person? It’s the best approach and it’ll surely work. It is highly advisable to be translucent in all your affairs at work and to expect the same behavior from others. The result is a less traumatic - more professional work atmosphere. But definitely think before you speak (just think about what and how to talk, don’t stop yourself from talking).
How much of your day do you spend at work? A considerably large amount isn’t it? I too and that’s why I am emphasizing on the importance of speaking up, as it is very important for a conducive work environment. Effectual communication (which includes speaking out) together with forbearance is essential to maintain and foster healthy workplace relationships.
Is it a small issue you’re facing? Then please do not directly approach a senior in the first go. An important part associated with speaking out is to do so affably, yet firmly enough for your point to be communicated. So, speak up with the person concerned directly. Nonetheless, more serious issues may require the involvement of a senior and in such cases, do not hesitate to approach a senior. Here again, speak out your mind with the higher authority. However, don’t lose out on your tranquility. Your aim to merely solve the problem at hand, so don’t show the whole bunch of people around you that you are disturbed.
Speak out only the truth, don’t make up stories. If the behavior of your co-workers is bothering you in any way or they are attacking your personal space, stand up for yourself and inform your boss about the same. You never have to think twice before telling the truth so, don’t vacillate. Lastly, if you deem what you have to speak is significant, only then will others. Also, ensure that when you speak, people listen to you, not just hear you out.