Articulating repetitive statements with emotion will inevitably connect you to your primary focus. Your destiny is guaranteed, when you repeatedly, decree a seed.
Secondly, individuals of all ages and backgrounds have "planted seeds" by speaking their mental, emotional, physical, social and financial states into existence, for centuries. And finally, I am an eye (and ear) witness to several hundreds of these accounts.
Allow me to share with you some actual affirmations that are used by millions. When articulated with repetition, these words and thoughts work like magic!
- I'm too fat.
- I'll never get married.
- I'll never get ahead.
- I stay broke!
Surprised? I thought you'd be. You see, even a negative affirmation is still an affirmation. An affirmation is anything you repeatedly declare, write down, perceive or believe to be the truth --whether it's true or not! Tragically, negative affirmations separate you from your bold, brilliant and authentic self.
Immediately after affirming anything, our brain goes to work and leads us in the direction of that "truth." We all come "pre-wired" like this. Affirm what you desire and what you would like to see in your life. Not what you don't.
Now, let's look at the last affirmation above to see just how disempowering negative affirmations really are.
"I stay broke."
Ouch! The word, "stay" - in and of itself -- automatically leads one towards a conditioned command of obedience; doesn't it? I mean, the word, "stay," authoritatively states: "remain as you are," or, in this particular example... "Do not move! Exist in your current state of brokeness."
What a disempowering command! If you were to remove all of the old "beliefs," then create and affirm new, empowering truths, they may look something like this:
- I get slimmer and trimmer every day!
- My future spouse is in route.
- I'm taking an exciting, new path to my destiny.
- I manage my money so well, I effortlessly attract more of it into my life.
Affirm this way! The power and energy of these affirmations are absolutely magnetic. Use positive affirmations to exude your brilliance and propel you to your desired destination.
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