
you’ve been getting all sorts of unknown phone calls from a caller that simply won’t be bothered with leaving a message. To make matters worse, when you call the number back, you find the person hasn’t even bothered to set up voicemail. What kind of person does such things?
If you want to find out, you’re going to have to do a little research on your own. Fortunately, this is easily done. But when you take the phone number to the website of a public phone directory, you find that the number is a wireless number and the directory is unable to give you the caller’s identification. They only maintain information of landline numbers.
So, what next?
The logical next step is to input the number on the website of a telephone directory that happens to specialize in providing searchers with just this sort of information regarding mobile numbers. But there’s a catch. They want money for the answers you are after.
What the heck, you say. How come these guys want money for the results of a reverse wireless lookup?
All I can tell you in regard to this matter is that it is better not to fight it. Mobile numbers in the good old United States are considered private information. If you want to find out a caller’s name and address, you are going to have to pay.
That’s all there is about it.
Somebody owns this information, and these are the people getting paid. If you have heard of telephone companies like AT&T and Verizon, then you are now aware of who is getting paid.
The only thing is that these companies don’t sell this information directly. You cannot simply visit one of these companies’ websites and get the information you are after there. No, things work differently than that. What these companies do is sell the information contained in their databases to data brokers that operate independent directories on the Internet (commonly known as reverse cell phone directories.)
These directories run the sites where anyone can now get their questions answered easily, quickly, and with very little money spent. While the majority of the inquiries performed on these directories pertain to cell phone numbers, they also provide the same personal information related to listed phone numbers, unlisted numbers, fax, pager, and just about any other telephone number you can think up.
So, while it’s less than ideal to pay for the results of a reverse wireless lookup, I’m here to tell you that it is money well spent. Not only can you quickly discover the caller’s full name, current address, and list of past addresses, you can also learn other personal information such as the names of the caller’s family members, other phone numbers owned by the caller, age, occupational status, and other identifying information.