"Why go and reinvent the wheel?" It's a question that's been around for centuries; right? But here's a better question: Why not reinvent the wheel?
"Why go and reinvent the wheel?" It's a question that's been around for centuries; right? But here's a better question: Why not reinvent the wheel?
As a Peak Performance Coach, I do a lot of personal development training for adults and children, alike. I love kids! They don't think like us adults. Kids are just so incredibly and infectiously optimistic about embracing, "what could be."
Recently, I asked the thought-provoking question, "Why not reinvent the wheel?" to a group of elementary-aged students. My aim was to challenge their beliefs and encourage them to think, outside of their thinking. Take a look at just a few of the amazing reasons they came up with addressing why they would reinvent the wheels ... on their bicycles.
Pretty remarkable answers; I'm sure you agree. But, the students didn't stop there. They got on the computer and started letting the manufacturers know their demands. All of the children gained an incredible sense of empowerment and immediately began to look for other things that could to be reinvented!
By nature, children are optimistic. Unlike their adult counterparts, they haven't ignored the "research and development" departments, within themselves. As such, they are always taking something apart, asking innumerable questions, and looking to do differently. Children are intrinsically free (they give themselves permission) to pursue ... anything they want to.
The point is, when I implied (with my question) that the wheel should be reinvented, not one of the students deferred their opportunity to share with me, the reasons why. Each took what has been recognized as the norm -- for decades -- and identified the concepts for total transformation. Then, after crystallizing their incredible vision, they took immediate action in their quest to bring it into fruition.
What about you? What could you reinvent? Your bank account? The number on your scale? Your thoughts? Your marriage?
What about your life?
Does it only come in one color? Can you see inside? Do you need some style? Could you use more bounce?
Once you begin visualizing what could be, life will become much more fascinating and you'll begin moving in the direction of your optimal self.
Challenge That Which Is!
This inspiring group of students empowered themselves when they enthusiastically challenged, "that which is." My hope is that you will use this magnificent model to construct new meaning (and a new wheel) in your own life.
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