2D to 3D Model

May 21


Christopher Clay

Christopher Clay

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Taking a 2D Blueprint and turning it into a 3D model is done with CAD or Computer Aided Design. The first step in transforming 2D to 3D is to have a set of 2D blueprints. Once this has been achieved a CAD technician, Drafter, or CAD draftsmen will begin the work necessary to complete the 3D model with the CAD software. CAD allows designers to turn these 2D lines into 3D models by using commands like extrude and revolve. These are just a few of the commands that can be used through out the design process when 3D modeling.


Taking a 2D Blueprint and turning it into a 3D Model is done with CAD or Computer Aided Design. 2D meaning two dimensional and 3D meaning 3 dimensions are on two different design wavelengths. The first,2D to 3D Model Articles 2D has been around forever on drafting tables across the entire world. This was the main and only way to do design work since before Leonardo Davinci. Now a days we have something called CAD otherwise known as Computer Aided Drafting. This in few words or less means using computer software to develop designs in a 3D environment with the use of tools within the computer software program.


The first step in transforming 2D to 3D is to have a set of 2D blueprints. Once this has been achieved a CAD technician, Drafter, or CAD Draftsmen will begin the work necessary to complete the 3D model with the CAD software. More or less this means transporting the information from the blueprint into the software program. This is usually done by inputting information directly into the software like dimensions, radius's, arc's and more. CAD allows designers to turn these 2D lines into 3D models by using commands like extrude and revolve. These are just a few of the commands that can be used through out the design process when 3D modeling.


CAD software today allows for several different ways to create a 3D model, and all CAD programs aren't the same either. I've personally worked with several CAD software programs and each one is similar, but in some cases the design process can be completely backwards from others. I've found that Autodesk's products maintain the CAD design processes throughout most of their software programs identically which make them easy to use.


Transforming 2D to 3D is something a trained CAD Drafting Service should take on, instead of trying to perform this by yourself, besides the price on most CAD software is quite expensive. There are several CAD companies online and locally that can usually perform the necessary task of turning a 2D blueprint into a 3D CAD model.If You would like to learn more about the Invention & Prototype Design Process Click Here-Invention & Prototype Design Services