A Lost Art
Provide Live Help Software is a state of the Art Live Support Chat Software that enables you to chat with your visitors on your website.
What do you think is the most important aspect of customer service? In other words,

is there one activity that a business involved in customer service should strive for above any other? The folks at Live Chat are constantly asking this same question as a way of improving their service.I know what I do expect when I need customer service, as well as what I don’t want. First, let me begin with the “what I don’t want”. These are those pesky little things a company does in delivering customer service that have me reaching for the disconnect button.
- I don’t want to have to wait and wait, and then wait some more to get an answer.
- I really don’t need to be told how important I am as a customer while I continue to wait
- If you are going to provide music make sure the quality is good and please stay away from funeral dirges.
- If you are that busy hire more people
- For heaven’s sake use people who can be understood
- At least pretend that my call is important and that you want to assist me.
- Don’t assume that you know what I mean, I may not know how to put what I mean
- Try to determine early in our conversation if you can help me or not.
Now I’m sure there are more, but I’m only allowed so many words. The bottom line here is this: there are two ways to deliver customer service, the bad way and the good way. Well, I suppose there is a third way, don’t provide customer service at all.Let me get to the heart of the matter, customer service delivered using live chat or not can be good or bad. What are the characteristics in common for those firms delivering poor customer service? It’s an attitude, one that conveys a clear message something like this: “don’t bother me right now.” What constitutes good customer service? To begin with any activity that is the opposite of those listed above. But if there were but one overarching quality that I’d look for, one that if acted upon would result in above average customer service most every time it would be this: LISTEN.Almost every customer who reaches out for service from a business wants to be heard. Anything less is an insult and anything more is a bonus.