A short while ago, a computer expert wasted almost three hours trying to convince one of the business's customers that brand new personal computers simply don't come furnished with all the things that most folks need in a personal computer. He attempted to convince the client that a really useful computer is one which is personalized with specially chosen hardware and software accessories - and that the boxed personal computer bought from the company doesn't come with these things. Still, the client insisted that he wouldn't ever want more than what came with his boxed product and that the business was just attempting to "squeeze" more money from him.

a personal computer specialist spent almost three hours attempting to explain to one of the company's clients that brand new PCs simply don't come furnished with all the stuff that the majority of people need in a PC. He tried to explain to the customer that a fully useful computer is one which is personalized with personally selected peripherals and programs - and that the boxed PC purchased at the company doesn't include these items. Unfortunately, all of his explaining was to no avail. The customer was sure that he would never want more than what was included with his boxed product and that the store was simply attempting to "bilk" more money out of him.
As computer experts, it is our task and goal to make sure that our customers are 100% satisfied when they leave our company. But our task is needlessly made harder when customers don't take the time to learn about computer accessories and familiarize themselves with the shortcomings of store-bought personal computers. Also, these days you could search on the 'Net for impartial, top-notch online PC support. Hopefully when you finish reading this article, you will understand the point they were trying to explain to their client: "what comes out of the box is a actually just a bare-bones model."
The typical desktop personal computer package comes with a processor block, a keyboard, mouse, and perhaps speaker set. That might be okay for a few people, but the majority need more than that, certainly in contemporary "connected" culture. Contemporary users need full multimedia capabilities, a broad selection of graphics tools, and ports for the various portable devices we now enjoy. These add-ons aren't included with "what comes out of the carton," and the only way to get them is to add them on.
To show you the importance of accessorizing, we prefer to utilize the "plain dough" allegory. Consider that a brand new PC is similar to a lump of plain dough - it is waiting to be flavored and made into something useful. If we would like to use this batch of dough to make a delectable batch of chocolate chip cookies, we'd need to "accessorize" this dough with chocolate chips and a little brown sugar. If, however, we would like to make the dough into in a warm loaf of sesame seed bread, we'd have to "accessorize" this dough with yeast and a sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Like "plain dough," the brand new PC isn't very useful by itself. It needs accessorizing.
Depending on what you want, accessorizing doesn't have to be a big expense. In fact, you could get by with paying just a minimal amount for additional software and hardware if these add-ons are for kids. It's when these add-ons are requirements for your job or when they're necessary to make quality works for some other purpose that they can be rather expensive. And this expense applies to microphones, digital cameras, smartphones, scanners, video cameras, etc.
No matter what the cost, it is crucial to realize that add-ons might be requirements, and that the most opportune time to get them is the moment you buy your new personal computer. Waiting too long to add these on, you can cause more problems than needed because while you're waiting, equipment makers continue to develop new technologies - devices that your old PC won't be able to accommodate as it grows older. When finally you are ready to add these on, the new devices that are available are too modern for your personal computer and they aren't compatible. This is a typical problem run into by people who want to install devices built for Windows Vista or Windows 7 on a Windows XP personal computer.
Likewise, just as the deciding issue for buying a new car shouldn't be to match the size of tires with some old tires in your basement, you shouldn't purchase an already-obsolete last year's PC on a clear-out sale to work with your five-year-old printer or plug-in hard drive. The same principle holds true for your software: when it is time to upgrade, bite the bullet and do it. Make the effort to consult with a qualified PC expert before you spend your hard-earned money on something you'll regret afterward. It is frequently wise to consult an expert, and today you can locate top-notch online PC support on the Internet!
Robert Hosken
"Dr. Bob the CompuNerd"