The term CMS stands for the Content Management System.
Anyone who builds websites for a living will tell you that building them is quite a complex operation. Plus the way in which each website is built will differ depending on its actual purpose. So if you have a site that is just trying to provide information will differ vastly from one which is dedicated to offering shopping facilities. So in order to make things easier many website designers are now using CMS software. But before you start looking for any of this software it is best that you do a few CMS software comparisons to help find one which is suitable for you.
All CMS software programs have been designed to not only power but also monitor and organize the content of the websites that you build. One particular feature that these programs come with is that that prevent every one who uses the site from seeing all of its content. So what this software does is allows all those users who view on the web (front end) to see only the content that you want them to see. Whilst the person who has actually built the site is able to see everything including the codings etc., that they have included. In order to gain access to this part of the site often referred to as the back end you need a user name (identity) and a password.
Briefly above we have explained what CMS does now we are going to take a look at some of the CMS software programs now available. We are looking at what features they have and their quality.
1. Basecmp This uses a TOMCat application server and with this there is no requirement for a person to have a commercial licence (this is optional) in order to use it. In order to use this CMS software you need to have Java 1.4 programming language also. Other features that are provided with this software is that it has login history reports, pluggable authentication, you can manage each session as they occur, it has a certification program as well as a pluggable API. Also it comes with the ability for you to carry out public mailing lists, spell checker, allow you to drag and drop content as well. Plus you can also zip files in to archive folders also.
2. ACM Ariadne Content Manager When you compare this software to the one we have mentioned above in order to use this you need to have a Java application server such as Oracle AS, IBM Websphere or Jboss. Also in order to use this particular software the user will be required to obtain a commercial license where as with Basecmp as previously mentioned you don’t need to if you don’t want to. Plus with this particular software you are actually don’t get a large number of the features that we have previously mentioned for the software program above.
Therefore before making any kind of purchase it is vital that you carry out CMS software comparisons on every type of program that is available. By doing this you will be assured of getting a program that you find easy to use but will have all the features you require in order to make your sites look as good as possible.
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