Until recently, businesses had no choice to help them reduce telephone related expenses: Enter Business VoIP.
Traditionally, company phone systems have been a costly, but necessary way for employees to keep in touch with each other as well as with their customers. These Private Branch eXchange or PBX phone systems were originally credited with helping to lower overhead costs for companies as they eliminated the need for separate phone lines for every employee at every location. Yet, costs for maintaining these systems have remained a significant part of the cost of doing business for small and medium sized businesses.
Until recently, businesses had no choice to help them reduce telephone related expenses: Enter Business VoIP.
Much like the internet telephony systems available to consumers in their homes, business VoIP services are springing up to serve small and medium sized businesses everywhere. Just like home phone connections, business VoIP calls are routed through internet wiring for a much cheaper alternative than the traditional phone system. Indeed, yearly cost savings averaging 50% are being realized by companies who have made the switch over to business VoIP.
With Business VoIP, providers have taken the traditional PBX systems and updated them for the 21st century. Gone is the need for a receptionist to screen and redirect calls, the VoIP PBX system can be set up to do that for you. Calls can be rerouted to different offices, to cell phones, to locations far a field. Furthermore, certain “extras” that could significantly add to the cost of monthly phone expenses are routinely incorporated into various Business VoIP packages including: call waiting, caller identification, three way calling, conference calling, and more. Important options such as voice mail forwarding to email account, typically not offered with traditional PBX systems, are one of several popular features of business internet telephony systems. A user friendly panel allows for easy web portal management permitting the Business VoIP manager [typically, an existing employee] to monitor the system and make changes quickly and efficiently.
In addition to the substantial month to month savings realized by Business VoIP users, start up costs for a VoIP PBX system are as much as 90% lower than traditional PBX systems. This “lower cost of entry” combined with the significantly lower monthly usage expense is behind the current boom in internet telephony for small and medium sized businesses.
Truly, a greater number of businesses across America will be giving serious attention to what business VoIP PBX systems have to offer for them. Combining very low start up costs with demonstrably lower administrative expenditures will certainly continue to fuel the rapid rise in interest for select VOIP PBX providers. In these days of rapidly rising costs, internet telephony is a welcome and necessary cost saving alternative for small and medium sized businesses everywhere and certainly will help users remain competitive in the global marketplace.
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