DVR software basically supports the surveillance work in various organizations.
Most DVR cards will be installed in to computers which are being used as a part of a surveillance system. What these cards do is monitor images that are being sent to them by surveillance cameras and then transfer and store this information on to a hard disk. But in order for the system to work correctly a computer will need to have the right kind of DVR capture card software installed on it as well.
Luckily today when a person chooses to have a DVR capture card installed on to their PC they will also be provided with the right kind of software as well. Such software should then provide the user with the following features:-
1. It should be able to work along side all USB and Parallel Port Cameras as well as capture devices that are compatible with Windows and any kind of frame grabber feature and TV boards. Plus it should be able to work in conjunction with a system that uses Network IP cameras.
2. The software should be able to broadcast live video at any time at a rate of 30 frames per second.
3. As with any good surveillance system the software being used should allow for more than one camera to record and broadcast what is being captured on them at anyone time.
4. Every time a camera is on and being the film that is recording the images from the camera in question should be date and timed stamped and be able to capture the images from these cameras at any time.
5. There are some software programs now available that will automatically send the user an email informing them when any kind of movement has been detected and will allow the user to view the occurrence from a remote position. Plus as soon as any kind of movement is detected it will automatically begin to record and store the data that has been collected.
6. Another feature that you should be looking for when choosing a good DVR capture card software program for your surveillance system is one that prevents recording taking place as soon as there is no space available on the hard drive to do so. Such a program should also inform the user that this has occurred and so that they are able to transfer the information to another drive and therefore clear the drive where the information is initially being stored and allows the system to start working correctly again.
If you keep the above in mind when looking for DVR capture card software program you will find one that perfectly meets your requirements.
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