Dynamics GP and POS integrations or implementing Great Plains in Retail Company

Aug 16


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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POS terminal is typically based on Barcode scanning technology, where Great Plains Dynamics is more about Accounting and Warehouse Management.

We recommend you to consider specialized Retail software,Dynamics GP and POS integrations or implementing Great Plains in Retail Company Articles such as Microsoft RMS or Counterpoint to help you with POS terminals and then integrate POS transactions from these applications to Dynamics GP SOP or Receivable Management invoices and returns.  Plus, you may want to move your Purchasing documents from Retail application back to GP AP Vendor Invoices, as you may want to cut checks from Great Plains directly and mail them to your suppliers.  Let’s review the options in your disposition in implementing Dynamics GP in the retail store or franchise:
1. Moving Daily POS Sales to General Ledger and Purchases to AP Invoices.  If you are happy with managing your sales directly in Microsoft RMS or in Counterpoint, you can use native MS RMS to Dynamics GP integration (coming directly from Microsoft Business Solutions) or respectively use native Counterpoint integration (in the form of Microsoft SQL Server DTS packages, which could be modified if required).  If this approach looks good or OK for you, please, be happy and just implement these integrations.  In some cases you may want to control inventory quantities directly in Dynamics GP
2. Moving POS Sales to Dynamics GP SOP Invoices with Customer Deposits.  The advantage of the method is synchronizing stock levels in RMS and Great Plains Inventory Sites.  There is some challenge as well.  You would have to synchronize merchandise move from one RMS store to another with Dynamics GP Sites
3. Moving POS Sales to Great Plains Receivable Management module.  This approach is good, where you do not want to track quantities in Dynamics GP, but would like to have detailed reporting in FRx (SSRS, Report Writer or another reporting tool) on the sales per MS RMS Item Class.  You are just moving POS transaction with precise GL distribution to Dynamics GP
4. Microsoft RMS Integration with Dynamics GP, coming from Alba Spectrum.  This integration is in our opinion one of the most popular and powerful.  It is especially good where you own the chain of retail stores and you have complex structure of the business.  For example, if company one in Dynamics GP owns stores A, B and C and company two owns store D – integration allows you to map in many-to-many scenario companies and sites in GP to RMS run stores
5. Integration technology.  It deploys Alba Spectrum Order Connector original technology, based on Stored Procedures, which should give you advanced performance, comparing to such native MS technologies as eConnect
6. Counterpoint integration.  Here we recommend you to consider such technologies as modifications to MS SQL Server DTS packages, where you can alter such logics as GL distribution, handling more than five GL account segments
7. Retail Niches covered.  So far we are comfortable to implement MS RMS and Dynamics GP tandem is such retail niches, as jewelry, food, country stores, telecommunication outlets, furniture, restaurants, apparel stores, consignment
8. eCommerce retail outlets.  Alba Spectrum eCommerce module opens such popular ecommerce shopping carts, as Magento, ASP .Net Storefront and others for being integrated to Dynamics GP SOP Invoices

9. To request further help, please call us 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918, in Michigan 1-269-605-0330 or email us help@albaspectrum.com    We are available to serve you USA, Canada nationwide, and internationally.  Local service in Chicago, Southern California, Western Michigan, Houston, TX