If you work for large or midsize corporation with several legal entities, such as corporate Headquarters and foreign or regional subsidiaries, you may decide to implement Intercompany Processing module
In this small paper we would like to set the expectation and review basic functionality, please refer PDF manual for further information. Module supports multicurrency, if this is what you need in your worldwide operations and regardless if you have multicurrency module registered or not – Functional currency must be setup in all companies, participating in intercompany transactions. Let’s look at details:
1. Payables Management and General Ledger – only these modules support intercompany at this time (version 2010, March 2011). PM is self-explanatory – here you create and post Vendor Invoices (please, note that these are the only possible distribution types in PM: PURCH, FREIGHT, MISC, UNIT, FNCHG). And in GL you normally record Sales transactions
2. Things that you need to enable first. User access to the destination company is required. If you plan to use IC in Payables module, be sure that you post at least To General Ledger (if you do not post to GL IC transaction could not be created in the destination company). IC transaction could only be posted in the batch (not individually, here you can use recurring batch without payment, credit memo or return and partially paid transaction for standard invoices, and only Single Use batches for Multicurrency documents)
3. Define Intercompany Relationships. This window could be opened in Administration Setup System content pane. For each possible Pair (Originated and Destination companies) you should create relationship and specify Due to and Due from pairs. Only one due to/from is possible in destination and originating companies (these accounts could not be inactive or unit, including unit allocation account). Additional observation – account formats might be different in the companies, this is not a problem in establishing intercompany relations
4. Entering Transaction. To make the document as intercompany, simply check the box, next to Voucher Number (in AP Transaction, please note that only Vendor Invoice, Finance Charge, Misc Charge, Return, Credit Memo could be declared as intercompany, there are no such things as intercompany payments in current functionality). In General Ledger Entry you also check Intercompany box next to Entry Number. If you have Analysis Groups associated with one of the distribution accounts, you can enter them accordingly but only in the originating company account. However when you post IC in GL – then you can switch the company to the destination and add Multidimensional Analysis Codes to the account in GL Entry there, if required. Batch is required for IC transaction
5. Edit List Report. Please, note that you do not see due to and from breakdown directly in the distribution window of the IC transaction, but it will be printed on the batch edit list and original posting journal
6. Matching transaction in the destination company will be created on the General Ledger level, where it is not marked as Intercompany, however it will have Intercompany audit trail code (ICTRX for open year transaction, ICTHS for historical year and ICREV for GL reversing transaction)
7. IC inquiry in the Originating Company. In Transactions by Vendor inquiry you should see checkbox IC (second from the left in scrolling windows marked). You can zoom into the originating PM document and review its distributions
8. IC inquiry in the destination company. It is available on the level of GL Entry Inquiry. On the bottom left section Intercompany button should be available (please, note again that the type of GL entry is not marked as IC, but by clicking on the Intercompany button you can see brief info: Originating company name, audit trail, and originating journal entry)
9. Voiding IC transaction. You can void transaction in the originating company (except when Paid Vendor invoice is already in the history files). However void only does the job in the Originating and doesn’t propagate into Destination. Consider manual correction in destination company GL
10. Openness to the customizations. Here you can program custom logic in Microsoft Dexterity, we recommend you to find so-called Source Code Partner (where its Dexterity developers have access to Dynamics.dic meta dictionary with original code for each object: fields, windows, forms, buttons, edit fields, etc.), as programmer will have to switch companies in the code. It is also possible to do VBA scripting with Modifier. Possible strategy is to create SQL Stored procedure to lookup records in the destination company database and probably update fields and these stored procedures could be called via ADO connection in the VBA scripts, attached to modified fields
11. If you feel that your concerns are not addressed or your question is not answered, please feel free to contact our office. Support domestically in the USA, Canada, Mexico and internationally. This option is possible via Web Sessions, Skype or Phone conferences and direct visits onsite (in the case of the large scale project). Our consulting team speaks English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Filipino. Feel free to call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904, or email help@efaru.com
Dexterity Customization for Dynamics GP Evaluation Level Paper
When you are developer it is always a good idea to read technical manuals. But if you was just assigned to the IT team to decide if Dexterity is the right tool to customize your ERP application then first you need something which is in style of ‘easy reading papers’ or FAQPlanning Dynamics GP Customization in Large Corporation
If you are reading this page then chances are high that you were not able to find ISV add-on and need customization project. Let’s talk about planning, quality assurance and future event such as version updates.Dynamics GP Invoice Logo Attributed to Specific Company or Crossing the Borders of Three SOP Forms
Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella