Electronics Recycling Grows
Computer recycling or electronic recycling is the recycling or reuse of computer or other electronic devices. In 2007 the United States environment protection agency said that more than 63 million computers in the US were traded in for replacements or discarded. Today, 15% of electronic devices and equipment are recycling in the United States
Computer recycling or electronic recycling is the recycling or reuse of computer or other electronic devices. In 2007 the United States environment protection agency said that more than 63 million computers in the US were traded in for replacements or discarded. Today,

15% of electronic devices and equipment are recycling in the United States. Most electronics waste is sent landfills or incinerated, which releases materials such as lead, mercury or cadmium into the soil, groundwater, and atmosphere, thus having a negative impact on the environment. Many materials used in computer hardware can be recoveredbut recycling for use in future production. Reuse of tin, silicon, and iron, aluminumand variety of plastics that are present in bulk in computers or other electronics can reduce the coasts of constructing new systems. Components frequently contain lead, copper, gold and other valuable suitable for reclamation.Where happens to your old computer, old monitor or keyboard once you are dropped it off for recycling sometimes, computer components will be reused by a charity or school however more than 90% of the products will end up being recycled. Most domestically processed glass recycled.
The plastic housing is ground and the glass recycled. The plastic housing is ground to smaller pieces and recycled for use in various items such as retaining blocks and pothole mix. Circuit boards chips and other parts can be reused to repair or upgrade older electronics or recycled for their scrap value. Metal components will be separated and sold for their scrap value.Lease computer equipment advantage that when it’s time to upgrade to a newer product, the old unit is returned to the vendor, often for a credit toward a future purchase. Electronic versions of traditional household appliances and tools may not actually be an improvement, may be more costly and may wear out faster.If you have an absolute computer or two in your basement, you are not alone. Nearly 2 million tons of used electronics, including computers and televisions are discarded each year. An estimated 128 million cell phones are retired from use annually.
With ansupply of newer, faster electronic products on the market, Americans continually replace older models. This trend shows no signs of slowing. As a result electronics have become one of the fastest growing waste streams or portions of our trash.Valuable material can be recovered from old electronics and these materials can be used to make new products. Precious metals are used in computer circuit boards and other electronic components, these products reduce the need to mine the earth foe new raw materials. Donating your old supports schools, low income families, and nonprofit agencies by providing them with refurbished computers cell phones and other electronics. Individuals are helped by being able to access technology that they could not otherwise afford. Check with these groups first to make sure equipment their needs. As demand for electronics recycling grows, new businesses will be forming and existing companies will be looking to hire more people to staff their facilities.