Excellent Reasons to Choose McKesson Medisoft EHR for Your Practice
Read more about our software to help keep your medical records in tact and up to date.
Sometimes you get what you pay for. Other times,

a penny saved is a penny earned. When it comes to practice management software, cheaper may be better. McKesson Medisoft Clinical is the premier EMR and medical billing solution for small to medium medical practices. It is designed to be affordable for health care practices of all sizes. Despite the low cost, McKesson Medisoft EHR provides all the components needed to manage your practice efficiently. These are just a few of the reasons to choose McKesson Medisoft as your practice management software of choice.
Users access the EMR through customizable dashboards. All records are hidden behind the dashboard, and users must enter a password to access even the desktop. You can set security access individually or by group, allowing access to sensitive medical and financial data on as as-needed basis. McKesson Medisoft EHR complies with all HIPAA regulations for patient privacy, which is another important consideration for medical software.
Medisoft is designed to be user-friendly. This is an important factor in a profession that already requires a high degree of adaptability and time spent learning new developments. The last thing a medical provider should have to worry about is learning how to get around a complicated medical records program. Luckily, that's not McKesson Medisoft. In fact, the developers of Medisoft Clinical EMR made every effort to make the software as user-friendly as possible. Medical providers can even continue entering their medical notes and patient encounter notes in the way that is most comfortable for them. The software recognizes digital pen or stylus, dictation, voice, template and typed entries.
Regulatory Compliance
McKesson Medisoft EHR is a complete EMR in full compliance with regulations for meaningful use incentives and other government programs. If you're participating in the ARRA Meaningful Use Incentive program, McKesson is optimized to make reporting easier for you and your staff. The incentive program puts you in line to collect up to $43,000 in incentive payments over a five-year period for implementing a qualified EMR.
McKesson understands that every medical practice is different, which is why McKesson's flagship products are designed to be flexible. Nearly everything in the software package is customizable, allowing providers to pick and choose which features they want and how they will perform. This flexibility also allows for unprecedented scalability. It's not unusual for small practices to start with basic functionality and then add to it as their practices grow.
The Right Solution for Your Office
McKesson provides EMR, medical billing software and practice management software bundled into solutions that are right for offices of any size. From Practice Care for single primary care provider offices to McKesson Practice Plus for high volume group practices, there's a McKesson electronic health record system that's perfect for your office.
Increased Efficiency
McKesson Medisoft EHR solutions are designed to improve efficiency in your office without compromising quality. The interface and functionality make it easy to streamline processes, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing productivity.