Fix Registry Errors Easily with Registry Essentials for Peak Computer Performance
Registry Essentials is a simple but powerful registry repair tool available to scan, clean, repair and defrag registry errors for peak computer performance.MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0
Registry Essentials is a simple but powerful registry repair tool available to scan,

clean, repair and defrag registry errors for peak computer performance. Compared with other repair utilities, this tool offers advanced scanning technology and gives out comprehensive diagnosis for your computer in seconds, and then you can choose to fix registry errors partly or all for good computer performance.Windows registry works as a database to save important settings and options of the Microsoft Windows Operating System. This database is used for each program and disk installed on your PC. Once launching, applications access the database thousands of times in a minute. Without proper maintenance, your Windows database can become a real mess. When you uninstall useless programs, invalid and error entries can be left behind and cause several conflicts between third party programs and the operating system, so as to your operating system becomes unstable, starts freezing and crashing.For peak computer performance, Registry Essentials is a helpful tool that scans your computer for errors throughly in seconds and repairs them to keep the computer system error-free. To optimize your PC, this software can fix those registry errors by two clicks, such as corrupt Windows registry, junk/missing/left-behind items due to corrupt hardware drivers, uninstalling applications, orphaned startup programs and so on.Registry Defrag tool provided by Registry Essentials can compact and optimize the Windows registry by reducing fragmentation, fixing structural errors and recovering unused memory space to remove unnecessary gaps and wasted space. When Windows database gets fragmented over time, it can occupy more space on the hard drivers and slow down PC system boot. Registry Defrag tool is special for cluttered registry items on local disks. It can defrag registry items and make them occupy continuous space. Therefore, they can be accessed more quickly and brings quicker program launches and file/folder retrievals. If you want to exclude certain programs during scan and repair, Registry Essential also provides you an Ignore List. The registry items added to the Ignore List will be ignored during registry scan and repair forever, unless you delete item out of the Ignore List. Registry Essentials also provides auto-backup and auto-care as background task to your PC. If you use it to repair or defrag errors, it will make backups and store automatically for your future restoration. All the backups are listed with operation type (registry repair of registry defrag) and created date. You can easily choose out the one you want and restore your computer to the previous state in seconds. This advanced software allows you to "Scan and Repair", "Defrag only" or "Repair and Defrag" on a schedule defined by yourself: Frequency of Daily/Weekly/Monthly, specified date, specified time. Registry Essentials runs on Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista. This registry repair tool has an easy-to-use, intuitive interface but complete options, taking care of your whole computer and fixing registry errors, including corrupt Windows registry, missing registry due to corrupt hardware disks and left-behind registry items by uninstalling programs. You can purchase Registry Essentials securely online at