SoftAge announces the availability of Hetman version 1.0 Early Access Program, a powerful dual-panel file manager for the Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP platforms.
Despite the predominant use of Windows Explorer, the demand for an advanced file manager has not declined. On the contrary, many would agree that there is a substantial need for a better file manager.
Hetman was developed to offer new user interface standards and new functionality implementation with focus on detail. A goal was to encourage users to ask themselves whether they are satisfied with the software they use or have they just have gotten used to it?
Hetman has all the useful features of a professional file management system. It offers an intuitive, simple and straight-forward user interface.
This program enables you to copy or move your files on local disk and over a Windows network or FTP, compress and uncompress them, edit their content, and more. In other words, Hetman allows you to do most of what you will ever need to do with your files!
Hetman combines rich functionality with a wide range of powerful user interface features. Among them are:
- FWYT – ‘find what you type’ – absolutely innovative!
When you type anything in the File Management pane, “quick search” is automatically launched. Unlike other file managers, you do not have to press any key. To assist you, a “search template” is shown near the cursor where it is easy to locate at a glance. Matches are highlighted directly in search results which can be navigated in forward and reverse direction. If you make a mistake entering the file name, Hetman will highlight the error for you. Finally, you can search for any files whose names contain the template and do not necessarily begin with it. Just try it and see how convenient searching can be!
- Tabbed interface (browser-like).
Work with several file panes, editors and consoles simultaneously in the same window, switching between tabs with ease.
- Easy bookmarks.
Access your favorite folders quickly and easily. You can browse bookmarks using the Drive Selection menu or keyboard shortcuts.
- Archives and FTP sites as regular folders.
You can do anything - view, edit, launch files as if they were on your local disk.
- Quick Edit.
View and edit your text files using a powerful built-in text editor with syntax highlighting and incremental search – presently the most convenient search method available.
- Responsive Windows networking.
A slow network is no longer an issue. Hetman allows you to cancel browsing at any time, leaving other managers far behind.
- Advanced Console.
Hetman has an advanced console built-in. Do not lose the output of the applications launched! Scrolling and searching through the output will be of great assistance.
Hetman is primarily targeted at power users who spend long hours working on the computer regularly. Hetman makes this time much more productive and pleasant.
SoftAge has anticipated supporting all major operating systems from the very beginning. The Windows version is the first to be released, with Linux, Mac OS X and possibly others to follow.
The development environment and the vast amount of open source libraries available allow SoftAge to respond to users’ feedback and promptly incorporate suggested features into future releases.
Hetman has Open API and was designed to allow adding new features quickly and easily.
A fully functional EAP version 1.0 is available to the public at Product registration is only US$19.00 and may be completed on the product’s web site.
SoftAge, based in Kiev, Ukraine, develops software that enhances productivity, offering new user interface standards.