You can quickly and easily download Linux free as a virtual machine and run Linux in Windows! Here's how you can run Linux in Windows - First, you download and install the free Linux virtual machine player and a free Linux virtual machine.
Then you run the player and "open" the virtual machine, in the same way as you run a spreadsheet program and open a spreadsheet.
Linux Tips You Need to Know - Before You Download Linux Virtual Machines
1. Some Linux virtual machines are in a small Linux download file - but get bigger!
Some Linux download (virtual machine) files are very small in relation to others, and so they take much less time to download. However, once you open them in the virtual machine player, you are just starting to install them! These virtual machines are set up to start a "network installation" immediately after you open them in the virtual machine player.
When you open these files, a "Linux network installation" begins and you have to provide several configuration settings and install the Linux OS "over the internet". This can be a very time-consuming way to get Linux in Windows.
Linux Tips: If you are a new Linux user, download Linux virtual machines that have been completely installed, as opposed to ones that need to be installed "over the network". It takes longer to download Linux virtual machines that are completely installed, but you will save a lot of time in the long run.
2. Some Linux virtual machines have no time limit, but others only run for a limited time.
For example, Ubuntu Linux and Fedora Linux are available for free and have no time limit. However, the Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux virtual machines have a limit to the number of days of use, such as 30 days. And you have to "sign up" for these Linux distributions by filling in a bunch of forms online.
Linux Tips: Unless you have a burning need to learn a specific Linux distribution, get one that doesn't have a time limit. Ubuntu Linux is a very stable Linux distro that works well and is a relatively small Linux download.
3. Run Linux in Windows and then use Linux video tutorials to learn Linux.
You can use a Linux virtual machine in combination with Linux video tutorials, to get Linux training quickly and easily. Just start a Linux virtual machine to run Linux in Windows. Then go to the Linux command line so you can run Linux commands. Then press Alt+Tab to go to the Linux video tutorial window.
Watch a bit of a video on a Linux command and then pause the video. Press Alt+Tab again and go to the virtual machine and practice the command you've just seen. Then go back and watch some more of a video, and so on. This is an excellent way to get practical Linux training and experience!
5 Benefits of Learning Linux Commands to Do Linux System Administration - Linux Training Online
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As part of your Linux training, you need to understand Linux terms to be able to understand Linux concepts. And there are several Linux terms that are the same or similar. This "Linux Concepts & Terms Summary" article describes the Linux Terms: Linux Console, Linux Terminal and Linux Terminal Emulation Windows.How to Use Linux Video Tutorials Online to Get Linux Training - Linux Quick Start
Linux videos show you how to use Linux - step-by-step! They are an excellent, fast and easy way to learn Linux. Here's how to run Linux video tutorials - online in Linux.