Most people enjoy helping out others, even when there’s nothing in it for them. But it can’t be denied that people enjoy helping others even more if they will get something in return.
Imagine this - A peaceful suburban neighborhood,

where kids joyfully play around without a worry in the world, neighbors all know one another, everyone is friendly and gets along perfectly. When you’re searching for someone to clean your house, or to landscape your yard, you can turn to your trusted neighbors for a recommendation on who to hire for the job! This sounds like a picture perfect neighborhood. Many of us grew-up knowing our neighbors, but in today’s hectic world, sometimes we get so busy that we lose the connections we once had with our neighbors. We live in a culture where everyone is constantly on the move! We use Facebook to keep up with our friends and Linkedin to stay in touch with our professional friends. Won’t it be awesome to finally have a social network for staying in touch with our neighbors also? Although many of us don’t have time to hang out with the neighbors, we are still a part of the same community. Just like Duke basketball games bring all the duke fans together, cheering for one common goal, LocalBlox can bring your community together, and have them all rooting for each other.
Most people enjoy helping out others, even when there’s nothing in it for them. But it can’t be denied that people enjoy helping others even more if they will get something in return. That ‘something’ can be anything from a $100 reward for helping find and return a neighbors dog, or just a simple, heartfelt “Thanks”. We all know how good it feels to be appreciated. But let’s take things a step further, imagine getting special deals and discounts just for being helpful. Now you can with LocalBlox! Just leaving reviews on restaurants, stores, and other local businesses can earn you deals!
In just one year, some merchants spend up to $150 billion dollars on local ad marketing. Don’t you wish that your local ad dollars could be better spent, on things that could contribute to building your local economy and local community? Why does a small business that spends $3000 on marketing still struggle to survive? Because the ad dollars go to the big corporations instead of local customers. Locals are your main customers, so, would it would be to your advantage to direct your ads towards them.
Times are changing. The media industry is shifting. A study was done in 2011 that concluded 57% of people talk to their friends on Facebook more than they do in person. News papers are fading into a thing of the past, local blogs and social media sites and apps are the new scene! The world is becoming completely connected online. This new technology can be somewhat confusing and threatening to Small businesses who don’t have the time, budget, knowledge or skills to flow into this new wave of marketing. Sure, there are ways for small businesses to get involved, but things can get expensive quickly. Spending money on Google/Facebook for small businesses is like sending prayers to God asking for new customers . God knows everything and everyone and can definitely send customers, but one of the huge differences is that God doesn’t charge you for it! Why pay for a Facebook Ad that charges $1 per click to take your message to your next door neighbor? As a small business owner, you probably don’t have the time or funds to mess around with things like these. Although Google and Facebook Ads might not be beneficial to small businesses, there are still other ways for small businesses to become involved in the new wave of online marketing. LocalBlox can help distribute your ads to people in your town and neighborhood, for a fraction of the cost.
On, your neighborhood can pick out ‘ambassadors’, who are people that love to help build your neighborhood. This neighborhood ambassador is like a veteran serving your community. As a small business, you might want to reward that ambassador, who is putting in such a good word for you, with a special discount; well now you can! Reward the helpful people and claim your own reward of new customers. Connect and be friendly with your local, loyal customers. If they feel appreciated and cared for when they are at your business, they will surely share their experiences with friends and neighbors! Of course, this brings you new customers. This is how we get your business connected to your local communities, through active community members and your loyal customers using LocalBlox’s SoLoMo platform. This platform fosters community participation by rewarding and recognizing the good members in your community, who help to build and encourage your neighborhood at LocalBlox.
We believe in building strong local communities by connecting neighbors on core human values – love, help, appreciation and recognition! We even offer a free ad in your neighborhood to get you started. Small businesses can get additional exposure by using a variety of tools and solutions that we offer. We keep the pricing low for small businesses because we understand that they are an integral part of local communities and the local economy. We also offer solutions to corporations who have the need to reach out to both consumers and small businesses. LocalBlox can foster and encourage local transactions and businesses at basic levels, and thus help to stimulate regional economies from the grassroots. In a sense, LocalBlox helps to strengthen and interconnect the building blocks of a resurgent economy. When LocalBlox partners with your community, anything is possible.
It’s your neighborhood and your community, be a part of it! Get active, get recognized and get rewarded.