Manage The Bandwidth Given To Each Client Computer With The Help Of A Bandwidth Manager
The management of a big network can create several issues, if the network is not sensibly administered. Excess of traffic on the network can result in network congestions and slow connections.
There are millions and billions of people who are surfing over the Internet at one time. Also there are thousands of people who are on the same network. Different people have different requirements when talking about the bandwidth. The bandwidth manager in one network allows you to manage the bandwidth by keeping in mind the needs and requirements of different customers. With the help of this manager,

you can save your network from having any kind of congestion. This program also enables you to control the bandwidth over the congested networks and also prevents the network from choking. It provides good division of bandwidth by looking at the network needs of the customers. The customers who are viewing videos, uploading pictures or are having web conferencing usually need more bandwidth as compared to the others. The bandwidth manager is also a good tool if you are managing any internet café as you can restrict that which users can use what amount of bandwidth without causing any trouble to other users.
This tool also prioritizes the users, depending upon their bandwidth needs and it also depends upon the level of payment they have made. More bandwidth is usually given to the high priority traffic of the businesses, that makes sure that those businesses as well as the users will be having uninterrupted access to their required applications. Also, the bandwidth to such users is not given who are utilizing more resources than what is required by them and also they are congesting the network because of the heavy downloads they are doing. The bandwidth manager installs software which limits the usage of bandwidth by each user over the network.
With the help of this tool you can easily prioritize your customers depending upon their bandwidth needs. It can also ensure that certain customers get a guaranteed bandwidth. The networks can be managed in a much better way with the help of these tools. There is no blocking of the data of the customers and also the links remain free without congesting the whole network. Also it allows the critical users to have a constant level of the bandwidth during those hours in which the traffic over the network is at its highest point. The bandwidth manager is very flexible and can provide greater bandwidth to certain users if the bandwidth is not used by other customers.
You can easily control the rate for the upload as well as for the download of each of the computer which is present on your network. If you have any such tool on your network then you will not be getting any complaints regarding freezing of the network or its congestion.
There are many advantages of the
Bandwidth Manager. The efficiency of your network is improved with the use of this manager, which makes your customers happier hence it increases the good will of your net café for instance. It saves money as it divided the bandwidth in such a way as it is not wasted. It also makes sure that all of the workstations present in any network are getting ample bandwidth and the network is not jammed.