Microsoft Dynamics GP Posting Server: extension for eConnect developer – highlights

Apr 14


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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eCommerce developers, who typically deploy eConnect, sometimes come to the conclusion that auto-posting functionality is desirable and the lack of such option is a kind of problem, which needs to be addressed. If this concern is the case, developers quickly try multiple options and find out that there is no way, but use third party product or go ahead and design such a patch in Microsoft Dexterity


To give you some excurse – eConnect is type of replication of GP dex logic in SQL stored procedures. eConnect has several shells or interfaces,Microsoft Dynamics GP Posting Server: extension for eConnect developer – highlights Articles but in the core you see dexterity logic replication.  And eConnect limitation sits in work documents concept in Dynamics GP – operator works with so-called work documents, posting is separate process, and eConnect doesn’t provide you posting routines

  • Dexterity workstation – posting Server.  Similar to GP posting server, autoposting uses separate GP workstation with custom add-on, This custom application checks batches released for posting every 5 seconds.  If batch is released for posting, autoposting server uses dex original logic to launch posting
  • Modules.  Every module in out-of-the-box Microsoft Great Plains is supported: SOP, POP, RM, PM, GL, UPR, IV, etc.  It also is capable to post third party batches, however each third party add-on ISV is free to chose its own design, so this feature is not guaranteed, you should check with your third party ISV
  • Programming hints.  What you need to do is create batch in eConnect and then place the record in Autoposting server table, indicating that this batch is ready to be posted.  In a few seconds posting server will find this batch and initiate posting.
  • Posting Timing/Efficiency.  You should expect the same posting time as if you post the batch from Great Plains workstation.  Go to master posting, select sample batch and post, watch the time – autoposting should perform in the same timeframe.