Users Should Be Aware Of The Many Threats Coming From The Internet. Does A Secure Browser Such As Mozila Is Enough To Completely Protect A PC? Find Out The Truth.
One of the main reasons so many intruders succeed in breaking into home computers is the lack of basic knowledge among home computer owners. Many people believe the term PC, which is the acronym for Personal Computer, means "private computer".
Computer security is not built into a new computer because the systems, which are already downloaded into a new computer, have not been tested against current hacker attacks. Computer systems continue to be built to communicate with friendly computers and they are not equipped to stop today's intruders. Therefore, PC owners must learn very quickly the weaknesses of PC systems and what to do to protect their computer from intruders. One of the most important ways to protect a PC effectively is using a secure web browser, such as Mozila.
Every new computer owner needs to install an anti-virus program before connecting to the Internet. An anti-virus program is essential and these are available in the retail store where the computer is purchased. Often the technicians will download a program for the new owner at the time of the purchase. Other programs needed to protect the computer are a Spam blocker to keep dirty emails out of the email inbox. Spam emails often contain harmful viruses such as worms, Trojans, Spyware and other applications meant to steal information or physically cause harm to a computer. The Mozila browser also will help to stop many of those threats.
If have just purchased a new PC and don't want pop-ups appearing all over your screen, you should have a pop-up blocker. Often, these pop-ups carry viruses and Spyware and if we click on those, we may allow a piece of Spyware to pop into our computer system. If a pop-up shows up, the best defense is close the browser and this will prevent a harmful pop-up from opening. A good pop-up blocker prevents these irritating and potentially harmful ads from entering our computer. The Mozila Browser comes with a useful and free pop-up blocker.
Instead of protecting yourself from every possible threat, it is better to purchase your PC with one software including all the security applications needed. Norton, McAfee, and Trend Micro offer good full security programs, which include anti-virus, anti-Spyware, Spam filters, pop-up blockers and much more preventive protection. A full security program runs on the computer in real time and provides warnings and security protection while working online.
An additional little program is an add-on offered by Firefox called WOT, which provides website ratings while searching the Internet. Many computer users do not know how to identify or recognize reliable Internet content. Surfers get protected by WOT, a system that provides a rating for each website you visit on the Internet. WOT will mark each website with a green circle if the website is a healthy, rather than harmful site. A red circle warns us not to open a site. These are malicious sites that harvest information or cause harm. WOT knows the rating for over 16 million websites. Download the Mozila browser and surf the web with confidence.
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