Restoring folders.dbx when Outlook Express 6.0 crashes repeatedly
If you are an Outlook Express user, then you may be knowing that all the information that is transferred from one system to another is stored in the D...
If you are an Outlook Express user,

then you may be knowing that all the information that is transferred from one system to another is stored in the DBX (Database Exchange) files. In Outlook Express, distinct DBX files are created for every folder created. For example, inbox.dbx for Inbox folder, and so on. In addition, there is folders.dbx file that is the index file for all the folders created in Outlook Express. It is a critical system file, which can restrict you from using Outlook Express if it gets corrupt. Proper steps should be taken for DBX recovery, failing which you must use a third-party Outlook Express Recovery software to Recover Outlook Express.Let us consider a case that you face in Outlook Express 6.0 when you either open Outlook Express or try to send an email message. In this case, Outlook Express exits abruptly after displaying either of the following error messages:(1) MSIMN caused an invalid page fault in module Msoe.dll(2) MSIMN caused an invalid page fault in module "unknown"(3) MSIMN caused an invalid page fault in module Directdb.dll(4) MSIMN caused an exception C0000006h in module Directdb.dll(5) Outlook Express: The message could not be sent. There is not enough Disk space.(6) Unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP Port: 0 Secure: No [SSL] Error: 0x800c0131Cause:Such problems can occur in Outlook Express if the Folders.dbx file is either having the read-only attribute, missing, or damaged.Resolution:To resolve this problem, you would need to restore the folders.dbx file. This can be done using the following steps:(1) Click Start | Search.(2) In the 'Search Results' window, search for the 'folders.dbx' file.(3) From the searched results, right-click the 'folders.dbx' file and click the 'Rename' option from the context menu.(4) Type 'folders.old' or any other name, and click 'OK'.(5) Restart Outlook Express as the folders.dbx file will be restored during the restart. If the problem still persists, then you may not be able to work on Outlook Express as it is not opening properly. In such dire situations, you should use a third-party Outlook Express Recovery Tool to Recover Outlook Express components. With the use of intensive scanning mechanisms and rich user interface, these mail recovery tools ensure that the recovery is safe and easy.The best Outlook Express Recovery software that I would recommend you is Stellar Phoenix Outlook Express Recovery v3.0, which recovers DBX files created for Outlook 5.x and 6.0. With the capability to recover objects such as emails (with attachments), journals, tasks, contacts, etc, this software is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, and 2000.