There might be an opinion among business owners that SAP is rather for large corporations and not really for small folks. Everyone has probably seen advertisements in airports. However, this assumption might not be hundred percent accurate.
In fact Business One is the application for small and lower mid-market. If you are in the ERP system selection cycle then we would like to give you the answers on popular questions and readiness for additional homework:
Q. Is it comparable by its price to ‘starter packages’ such as Peach Tree or QuickBooks?A. This software is not ‘starter package’ and its price is higher comparing to QuickBooks. You should expect about three thousand dollars for professional user license and about thousand for restricted user
Q. Is it comparable by price and functionality with Microsoft Dynamics GP?A. It is a competitor. Pricing model is different as GP is ‘Business Ready’ plus additional modules selection. B1 is ‘all-in-one’. Former Great Plains has wide number of add-on products available through ISV channel. The same could be noted about Business One. If you are expanding internationally then SAP BO is available in major world regions while Dynamics GP availability is restricted to English speaking countries and Spanish Latin America. There are different opinions among consultants but GP is probably more expensive and more diversified in its functionality
Q. We are trying to understand the advantages of such mid-market package comparing to ‘starter software’. Could you share your opinion?A. First of all we would like to mention professional database platform or in other words Microsoft SQL Server. Second it is openness to customizations and software development. Modern small business has to be unique and the uniqueness in turn often dictates custom business processes and procedures. Cheap software products have to cut cost by deploying simple proprietary database and it might be not friendly for data export and reporting.
Q. We would like to purchase single professional user license and do implementation in-house by our own accountants and programmersA. It might look like a budget approach. However SAP B1 is distributed and implemented by certified consulting firms. The reason is simple – to assure consulting quality. We have seen the cases like that but they all ended up with professional help
Q. We are on version 2005A and we currently do not have active annual contract. We assume that it should be easy to get new version registration keys. Is it 8.82?A. Current version as it is accurate in May of 2012 is 8.82. Internet publications might be around for a long time so depending on the time please check out what is going on. Annual contract reenrollment is not that simple. In any case you need to contact SAP reseller to have them broke for you
Q. We are walking away from Great Plains DOS version 9.5. We discussed internally and it looks like we have to move our historical Sales Orders and AR invoices into the new accounting system. Our selection has Business One on the short list and we would like to know if job is feasible and doableA. GPA for DOS was Btrieve/Pervasive SQL 2000 application. Data export could be done either by printing reports into text files or exporting tables directly via ODBC connection in Pervasive SQL Control Center (or another ODBC compliant instrument for example Microsoft Access). Typical problem is DDF files generation but it is doable. Regarding importing into B1 the technology is CSV templates which could be edited and filled in Excel. If you have millions of historical orders then Excel might be too slow to do the job. If this is the case then consider ODBC connection option in DTW
Q. We are switching over from QuickBooks to SAP B1. Our idea is to bring over couple of historical years in GL in the form of consolidated monthly transactionsA. Good decision
Q. We need custom SDK programming and we figured out that our local consulting community doesn’t have proven expertiseA. Of course the question has numerous nuances. In our opinion there is no point to stick to local support only. Modern Citrix web sessions as well as Microsoft VPN allow regional firm to provide quality support
Q. Maybe we are a bit out of synch in this forum. But our implementation failed and we are in limbo phase at this pointA. Well, seek for second opinion. Try to do internet research on Google or Yahoo and locate consulting firm for second opinion
Q. Sorry for mixing in our question. We are the branch of multinational company in Moscow with mining facility in Siberia Russian Federation. The decision was done in California in our headquarters to adopt B1. However it doesn’t print annual and quarterly balance required by tax agencyA. We understand your feelings. Multinational company has to keep priorities. Some of them are consolidated financial reporting (Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss) as well as internal audit. Regional compliance is also important but it could be achieved by exporting GL entries into local accounting package (1C for example) and printing statements from there
Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904, We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, Atlanta Georgia, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA and Canada nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). We are working on Brazilian ERP consulting market in Sao Paulo since 2004
Dexterity Customization for Dynamics GP Evaluation Level Paper
When you are developer it is always a good idea to read technical manuals. But if you was just assigned to the IT team to decide if Dexterity is the right tool to customize your ERP application then first you need something which is in style of ‘easy reading papers’ or FAQPlanning Dynamics GP Customization in Large Corporation
If you are reading this page then chances are high that you were not able to find ISV add-on and need customization project. Let’s talk about planning, quality assurance and future event such as version updates.Dynamics GP Invoice Logo Attributed to Specific Company or Crossing the Borders of Three SOP Forms
Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella