If you are opening your ERP system in both: intranet and extranet scenarios then the option to acquire named user license is not feasible. You would rather prefer thin client or in other words web interface.
Let’s review the following logic. Your sales person including sales rep working for one of your franchises or dealerships needs to have some time and for negotiation related to price, quantity available for shipping and historical price and items ordered. In out-of-the-box Business One order is closed for modification as soon as it is added/saved. But what if you as salesperson need couple of weeks to keep order as not posted or in other words not committed? Plus you do not really need to work in SAP B1 as full featured user as your job duties are limited to negotiation and order tracking. And you should have the option to check inventory quantities available generally or in the specific warehouse. Additional challenge when you are working in B2B model your franchisee or dealer should only have access to their direct customers and negotiated price lists. We would like to share with you SAP BO Web View add-on features:
1. SAP BO security model is respected and users who are not allowed to see specific business partner or customers not associated with impersonated salesperson wouldn’t see the related documents
2. Sales Orders and negotiation cycle. Web Views opens the way to save orders which are pending or in other words in negotiation processing. Sales Representative or dealer might be able to negotiate price, change item description, check warehouse quantity availability
3. Historical order duplication. In dealership or Business-to-Business scenario you would like to stick to historical negotiations and partner specific price. You would also like to offer quick reorder based on historical sales order including negotiated price list
4. Let’s now take a look under the hood. Web Views is PHP application which could be hosted in Windows or Linux. Sales orders batch is hosted in MS SQL Server database which is not the same as SAP B1 company DB. There should be fixed to fixed IP communication between Web Views hosting server and MS SQL Server hosting Business One. VPN is fine or you can establish permanent redirection via router where IP port 80 is redirected to the server hosting SAP Business one
5. IPad and mobile smart phones. As web application is coded in PHP each internet browser is supported including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, iPhone and Android
6. Some popular questions. Is it possible to rebrand the system in the sense of changing company logo or motto? Yes, as all graphical parts are available for being replaced by the files with the same name in GIF format. Do we have to have dedicated Linux PHP server or could we instead install WebViews on our Windows Small Business Server hosting B1 SQL database and Application Server? We do not see problems with that assuming that you will be dealing with software vendor who software might be potentially in conflict with PHP installation. Is WebViews customizable product? Yes with some restrictions. We are trying to keep balanced approach to the core functionality. For example we believe that franchisee should not have the authority to alter price list or add new B2B customers. But each business has unique requirements and we are ready to help you with customization and meeting the needs
7. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904 (for international customers, where our representative pick up the phone in St. Joseph, MI call center). help@efaru.com. We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, South West Michigan and Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico and Brazil nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese. We feature our expertise is in International Business. We provide second opinion in SB1 data migration, customization and reporting
Dexterity Customization for Dynamics GP Evaluation Level Paper
When you are developer it is always a good idea to read technical manuals. But if you was just assigned to the IT team to decide if Dexterity is the right tool to customize your ERP application then first you need something which is in style of ‘easy reading papers’ or FAQPlanning Dynamics GP Customization in Large Corporation
If you are reading this page then chances are high that you were not able to find ISV add-on and need customization project. Let’s talk about planning, quality assurance and future event such as version updates.Dynamics GP Invoice Logo Attributed to Specific Company or Crossing the Borders of Three SOP Forms
Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella