Student Information System to Ease Your Administrative Tasks

Dec 10




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The school ERP software is an automated, computer-aided system which is developed for educational organizations. School software is a part of the educational ERP System and is developed for those schools which have more no of student and they want to make school fully digital.


With the using of software application school can manage the student records of student & staff. It easily tracks the function of that take place in the institutions.


School management software is designed in such a way that the school administration can manage all types of activities like student data and their records,Student Information System to Ease Your Administrative Tasks Articles events in schools, student attendance records, scheduling of timetable for examination and many other things can be done easily and quickly.


School software has many modules that manage the operation of school management. It offers a student information system which keeps personal records of student, fee record and many other things of student. Parents can also keep track of the student performance by simply login in the parent web portal. Fee management takes care of the management system, admin and parent can both login and see the detail of fee. The fee can be accepted in various modes like cash, debit card, DD and cheque. It has new features, i.e. School SMS system, which sent an SMS to the parent regarding fee, dues, student weekly performance reports and unscheduled event information.


Web based classroom offers multiple benefit to the student as well as teacher. It is user friendly and it makes an interactive platform for the student and establishes a healthy relationship among teachers & students. Learning process enhanced by the use of VoIP, sharing information through presentation and many other things can be managed while gaining knowledge through virtual classroom. Educational institution can enjoy different benefits like e-learning and online library system. Student can access books online by using software. By the use of student information system  can register themselves for various courses. It also covers the live sessions and programs.


A student can have access all the information and the software application offers the curriculum which can be easily accessed anytime. Home work and assignment can be assigned online through web links. Student work can easily evaluate and review in a short time. Teachers give proper advices to the student for their better future and try to improve the skills of the students in the best possible way