The last news on the electronic world

Jul 9


Martina Prima Posizione

Martina Prima Posizione

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Also this year the long expected E3 Expo ’09 is coming in LA from 2 to 4 June and on the newspapers the first rumors are coming out on what electronic and videogame fans could admire at the LA exhibition.


We begin,The last news on the electronic world Articles however, citing the latest data released last month on consoles sales in the United States dated to April 2009. These data are revolutionizing a bit the preexisting trend, as for the first time the Xbox 360 has surpassed the Playstation 3. The first relevant fact is the decline in console sales, Wii, Xbox, Ps3 all suffered a clear decline in sales, except the new Dsi that is flying in worldwide sales, in fact in a month it has already been sold in more than a million pieces. After comes the Wii, which continues to double sales of the Xbox 360 of Microsoft, which places on third position. Still lagging behind is the Ps3, which also shows a decline, perhaps for the increased interest toward the Nintendo consoles. Still lower, however, are the sales of the Playstation Portable, falling by 31% over the previous year.

A sharp drop is registered also in the sales of video games, with a decline by 17% in April, and this is the second significantly monthly decline. On the one hand, Nintendo with its new handheld console total up a number slightly more than a million consoles sold, on the other hand, the entire game industry sees a major downturn both on the hardware and software sector. The decline is not attributable only to the market crisis, one of the most likely causes seem to be the lack of interesting titles coming out.

But back to the exhibition f Los Angeles, the E3 Expo is the first world fair of computers, videogames and all products related to them. Here you will find every kind of electronic product and also the latest news of this industry. From rewritable CD and DVD, high definition DVD, blu-ray, to the latest news on the world of video games and also the most recent discoveries in the field of computer and electronics. This huge show is organized and produced by ESA (Entertainment Software Association), the U.S. association dedicated to the service of business and strategies of companies, to the publication of interactive games for game consoles, portable devices, handhelds, PC, internet.

Microsoft now is planning a new 3D camera for the Xbox 360, with which users can control the game with the movements of the body, and it will be announced at the E3. with this move, Microsoft aims to offer more intuitive game modes, according to the recent success of Nintendo thanks to is wireless remote “Remote”, but unlike Nintendo, the 3D camera technology from Microsoft will not require to hold in hand any controller. Located next to the TV, it will capture the gestures of the users while they are moving hands, legs or head.

The device should enable to detect even the most complex movements of the user.

As for Sony, the Japanese firm not only will announce the new portable console PSP Go! but, according to some indiscretions, also a new version of the Playstation 3. This, following the same path of the Playstation 2, will have a smaller size and probably will be provided in a different finish. Since for a few days in North America the first controllers Dual Shock 3 have appeared in white, it is not wrong to think that the new PS3 could be right white.

There are also strong rumors that several games, long expected, will be launched in conjunction with the fair. An edition really not to miss and to watch carefully for all the lovers of this sector.

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