To Get some Swtor Credits An Easy way to boost your character To Get some Swtor Credits
A skill can be unlearned by clicking the "X" button beneath the skill bar in your Crew Skills window.
What good is a rag-tag band of droids,

humans, and aliens if you can't put them to work? Swtor Gold Crew Skills allow you to unload some of the burden of the more mundane tasks of gathering and crafting to make better use of your time. You can only take one crew member with you on a mission, while the others remain on the ship. Crew Skills can be used to delegate work to those back on your ship. You can even get a crew member to sell your low level items while you are out questing so you can clear inventory space and get credits easily.Your companions can also partake in various side missions related to the chosen gathering and mission skills. Your team may also gain xp for skills in group attacks which are used and may be an easy way to boost your character. Sending a companion on these missions will cost credits but in return you can receive crafting materials, credits, lockboxes, new equipment, crafting schematics and even new missions to send a companion off to do. These new missions will generally yield higher caliber items. Sending a companion to perform one of these missions is not guaranteed to be a success and can sometimes result in just a loss of credits and time. Generally sending a companion on one of these missions is very useful for a key purpose. The skill level of the profession can raise with a completed mission which can avoid some headaches if you go to a new area and are only a few skill levels below the required gathering level.Missions undertaken by your companions can take anywhere from one minute to 23 hours, depending on skill required and the complexity of the mission. Missions requiring a high level of skill will yield better rewards, and also has a chance to "crit," providing a higher return on time spent.Each member of your crew will have a certain proficiency that will determine how efficiently they can perform different tasks. Your relationship with the crew member will also determine how hard they work. There are three basic categories of Crew Skills that you can use tobuy Swtor Credits train your shipmates.