As your research has brought you here it's probable that you'd like to enter the world of computers and you fancy taking your MCSE, or you're currentl...
As your research has brought you here it's probable that you'd like to enter the world of computers and you fancy taking your MCSE,

or you're currently an IT professional and you know that you can't get any further without a qualification such as MCSE.
Always make sure you prove conclusively that your provider is definitely teaching with the latest Microsoft editions. A lot of students become very demoralised when they realise they've been learning from an old version of MCSE which will need updating. Be aware of training colleges that are just trying to sell you something. Always remember that buying a course for an MCSE is much like purchasing a vehicle. They're very diverse; some are comfortable and reliable, whilst others will constantly let you down. A worthy company will give you a thorough consultation to be sure the course will work for you. If a company has a creditable product, you'll be able to see a sample of what you're getting before you buy.
Adding in the cost of examination fees up-front then including an exam guarantee is common for a number of training colleges. Consider the facts:
Everybody's aware that they're still footing the bill for it - it's obviously already been included in the full cost of the package supplied by the training provider. It's certainly not free - and it's insulting that we're supposed to think it is! Evidence shows that when students fund their relevant examinations, one at a time, there's a much better chance they'll get through on the first attempt - as they are conscious of what they've paid and so will prepare more thoroughly.
Take your exams at a local pro-metric testing centre and find the best exam deal or offer available then. Paying upfront for exams (and if you're financing your study there'll be interest on that) is madness. Resist being talked into filling the training company's account with extra money of yours just to give them more interest! There are those who hope that you will never make it to exams - but they won't refund the cash. Also, exam guarantees often have very little value. The majority of companies won't be prepared to pay again for an exam until you're able to demonstrate an excellent mock pass rate.
VUE and Prometric examinations are in the region of 112 pounds in Britain at the time of writing. What's the point of paying huge charges for 'Exam Guarantees' (most often hidden in the package) - when a quality course, support and commitment, effort and practice with quality exam preparation systems are the factors that really get you through.
If an advisor doesn't question you thoroughly - chances are they're just trying to sell you something. If they push a particular product before learning about your history and current experience level, then it's definitely the case. If you've got any real-world experience or some accreditation, your starting-point of learning is different from a beginner. It's usual to start with some basic user skills first. It will usually make the learning curve a much easier going.
It can be a nerve-racking task, but finding your first role in IT is often relieved by training colleges, through a Job Placement Assistance facility. Because of the great skills shortage in the United Kingdom at the moment, it's not too important to place too much emphasis on this feature however. It's actually not as hard as some people make out to find employment as long as you're correctly trained and certified.
However, don't wait till you have passed your final exams before updating your CV. As soon as your training commences, mark down what you're doing and tell people about it! It's possible that you won't have even qualified when you land your first junior support position; but this won't be the case if your CV isn't in front of employers. If you'd like to keep travelling time and costs to a minimum, then you may well find that an independent and specialised local employment service may be more appropriate than the trainer's recruitment division, as they're far more likely to have insider knowledge of the local job scene.
A slight grievance for many training companies is how hard people are prepared to study to get qualified, but how un-prepared that student is to get the job they've qualified for. Have confidence - the IT industry needs YOU.
Does job security really exist anymore? In the UK for example, with businesses changing their mind whenever it suits, there doesn't seem much chance. We could however discover market-level security, by digging for areas that have high demand, mixed with a shortage of skilled staff.
Using the Information Technology (IT) market for example, a recent e-Skills investigation showed major skills shortages in the United Kingdom of over 26 percent. Or, to put it differently, this reveals that the UK is only able to source 3 certified professionals for every 4 jobs existing today. Properly qualified and commercially accredited new workers are accordingly at a resounding premium, and it looks like they will be for many years to come. In actuality, gaining new qualifications in IT as you progress through the next year or two is almost definitely the safest career direction you could choose.