Over the years classified ads have helped many businesses get exposure and increase sales. In this article we will look at using classified ads to make more money in your business.
Over the years classified ads have helped many businesses get exposure and increase sales. When the internet came along classified ads took their natural place as a way to get a website out in front of the public. These classified ads can be a great way to get website visitors for a relatively low price.
There are two types of classified ads online.
1. Free classified ads
2. Paid classified ads
Free classified ad directories are one way to get exposure for your business and all it costs you is the time to place the ad. Ezine classified ads are often given for free in exchange for subscribing to an ezine. Traffic exchanges and safe lists are two other ways to get a classified ad in front of potential traffic.
For people with more time than money free classified ads are a way to work at building your business. This just take a lot of effort and a commitment on your part to sticking with it as it becomes a numbers game.
A paid classified ad can give you better exposure for a little bit of money. Pay Per Click advertising is a form of classified advertising. Google Adwords is one example of a way you can quickly get traffic to your website using a classified ad.
There are many options for placing classified ads. One thing that works for people is to use them as a way to get leads and follow up. By promoting a splash page or a website where you have a lead capture system in place you can maximize the use of the ad.
A good classified ad contains an eye catching title, a quick list of a couple of benefits, a summary, and your website address. You can do this in 5 lines of 60 characters each.
The most important thing to remember when writing your classified ad is that it should be *keyword focused* as that can cause it to be displayed in search engine results which will lead to many more views than just the article directory itself.
If you publish an ezine of your own you can trade classified ads with other publishers. This is a free way to get your product in front of people who would not otherwise see it. Of course you return the favor to them.
No matter how you use classified ads you want to make it a part of your overall internet marketing efforts.
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