What you need to know about Traffic shaper, Bandwidth limiter, Bandwidth management
Get the more informtion about the bandwidth limiter, bandwidth management and its benifits.
Traffic shaper is useful in keeping the internet links free of congestion. Traffic shaper is useful in windows 2000,

XP, 2003. It eases the traffic with high performance and relieves the congestion through speed limiting, prioritizing, real time trafficking, stream statistics.
Bandwidth limiter is the integration of software and hardware and the public operating system. Scalability is the challenge concretely addressed with the highly efficient multi processor solution a multiple gigabit links are easily managed with a quad core system without over burdening the machine in peak in hours. Bandwidth limiter offers net neutrality with more efficiency and low labor requirements. Bandwidth limiter gives specific control without hassles. The need to renew the license arose to cater the demand of the foreign markets. Software solutions are needed to fill the gap due to sky rocketing prices. Reasonable exchange rates, customers can easily save on shipping, import taxes and get well supported solutions. Hard ware solutions are at hand for optimized use of the product.
First the hard ware is tested on the demoCD and you have decided to get the license install the required soft ware on the new hard ware. There is no concern for the compatibility and one can get full system support and access to the update server. The bandwidth limit provides visibility and control of the traffic from the users’ network to the internet and back. The deep packet scanning ensures packets are free of virus. In order to accelerate and optimize traffic prioritization of applications, content and websites is necessary. Band-width management can very effectively control the cost of the band width without affecting the performance. It is important to keep the environment free of internet threats like malware. The management includes token bucket, leaky bucket and TCP.
Scheduling algorithms, avoiding congestion, band width reservations and algorithms and queuing are the means of band width management.Excessive demand will slow down the internet connection and repeated disconnections will increase the demand for bandwidth- management. With the introduction of Anta media, one can have a gain rich control of internet connection in every new computer in the network. It is not necessary to get a new soft ware. Time management and prioritization for different users; configure firewalls and blocking unauthorized websites will work. Band width manager software control download upload rates that is it acts as a gateway to internet. It is cost effective too.
Bandwidth manager improves the efficiency. It reduces Bandwidth requirement and thus saves money. It ensures that all workstations receive required load of resources, prevent s your access to the black listed sites, speeds up where it is needed, with added security it protects your work outside working hours, it also avoids unnecessary use of audio, video use during working hours. The Bandwidth manager can easily log out in the inactive hours. The time limiting is the advanced feature of the band width management.