Dating advice for ladies over 35.

Aug 5


Matt Fuller

Matt Fuller

  • Share this article on Facebook
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  • Share this article on Linkedin Everyday we have women in the 35+ age bracket venting their frustrations regarding the limitations they face as a single middle aged women.


In a nutshell,Dating advice for ladies over 35. Articles these women who believe they have no opportunities to date other men because of their age are simply wrong. What these women do face though, is dealing with their own personal demons that their own mentality has created thus creating a negative outlook on this subject. It's time to clear your mind of the false restrictions society has put there, because for some reason you have decided to live within these restrictions.

The first thing you must do is to stop listening to other peoples ideas that if you're not married with kids by the age of 35, you're destined for the singles scrap heap, and stop being influenced by what you read in trashy women's magazines. Your future is your own destiny, and only you have the power to change it. Here's how:

Be careful what you wish for. Finding the right man who's attractive, successful and more importantly, single, can be achieved by training your mindset to believe this is achievable. Henry Ford quote "Whether you believe you can, or that you can not, you're generally correct"

Take others views with a grain of salt. Many single women hold far too much value in their friends negative opinions and idle chit chat. It's very common that this perception of difficulty is heavily influenced by friends and family. It's easy to have others sympathize for you and dwell on what you may have done wrong in the dating department. Start thinking outside the square and change your outlook.

Have you really explored all options? Time for a wake up call, start opening some of those doors you have never opened before. Here's a fact: In Australia's most populated city, inner city Sydney, there is an average of 64 singles between the ages of 35-45 living within a 2.5 km radius from each and every postcode. The first thing that comes to mind for me is, if you are single and living in an isolated or sparsely populated suburb, move to the city - You're single remember you can do what ever you please!

How do you actually meet them? Now that you have less options for meeting other Singles than when you were in your 20's, the internet is where more and more middle aged singles are connecting. And it's not just hype, onlne dating sites are now the most common method of discovering new middle aged singles in your local area according to our relationships psychologist Karen Smyth.

The only thing left for you do to now is to get out there and start attending some arranged singles events. Some of the larger online dating sites host regular singles functions that are age specific. Set yourself some goals and challenges and take a look at what the real world has on offer.