Feeling Depressed After A Break Up? 3 Tips To Survive

Aug 2


Andrew Hunter

Andrew Hunter

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Since you're here reading this, I'd venture to guess that you've gone through a recent break up. I only wish that our first meeting wasn't under such ...

Since you're here reading this,Feeling Depressed After A Break Up? 3 Tips To Survive Articles I'd venture to guess that you've gone through a recent break up. I only wish that our first meeting wasn't under such a dark cloud. The feeling you get from getting dumped up and depression that can follow are among the worst you will experience after a break up. Relationships can at times seem like the only important thing in our lives, so when we get dumped it seems like things are collapsing all around us.

I would like to share with you a few secrets on how to cope with the depression that all-too-often follows a breakup.

Depression After Break Up Tip #1 - Allow Yourself to Feel Blue.

If you didn't feel miserable after being dumped then consider yourself lucky. Don't hide your true feelings if you feel sad or depressed. If you feel something, be true to it and let yourself experience that emotion fully. It's very bad for you in the long run to hide your true feelings behind a smiling face. These negative feelings that you repress will come out in the end. And let me tell you, they're not always pretty.

Your emotions should be allowed to come out in their own time. This will make you feel much better and help you to recover from your breakup quicker.

Depression After Break Up Tip #2 - Express Your Feelings with Other Activities

If you and your ex were very close then you will no doubt feel a huge void left by the break up once you are finished with the crying and hurt. It is a huge help if you can find something to do that will get you out of a rut.

I was dumped and I made the decision to take up painting. I began to paint on my blank canvas and it was a great release of my emotions. I was certainly not a professional but that didn't matter. It doesn't matter what you paint or how good it is, only that you have an outlet for your emotions.

It doesn't matter if painting isn't your type of activity as there are plenty of other things you can try your hand at like writing or music. The key factor is that it releases your feelings.

Depression After Break Up Tip #3 - Get Active!

Sometimes you just want to sit at home and cry after a break up when you're feeling bad. But this isn't going to help you much when it comes to recovering from your breakup.

In order to get your life back on the right track every effort should be made to get out and about and take on things you didn't have a chance to do before. This can obviously be difficult but if you start with small steps then you will get there. Start with simple things and increase that as you move along to make sure that you succeed in recovery. It does seem a little ridiculous, but to be honest with you by taking small actions daily, you can stay connected to the world and not become too isolated and depressed.

It's certainly not unusual for you to try and struggle with depression straight after a break up. Try to do your best though to not let things get the best of you and drag you down. 

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