If you want to get your ex boyfriend back then it's time to become the pursued rather than the pursuer. We show you how to achieve this in this hard hitting report.
If you are on a mission to get your ex boyfriend back and nothing is working right now then stop what you're doing,
read this article and see if you are making someone easy to fix mistakes.
Sometimes, stopping the path you're on now in trying to get him back and nailing down the areas you need to improve on can in itself have a major impact. If you are simply chasing him and presenting yourself at nearly every place he visits or socializes at then the answer in why he is not responding could very well lie there.
Most guys love the thrill of the chase. When women do the chasing most times, all it serves to do is pump up a man's ego and that's it. They are happy in the knowledge that there are women who find them worthy of pursuit but the bottom line is, many times it does nothing else apart from this.
How To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back!
In this article, we'll tell you some of the things you need to stop doing and start doing. If you are looking for fast results then that's a little optimistic but these are proven methods in the area of the magic of making up and can make a difference.
If you were dumped then the worst thing you could do is to act desperate and needy. It's ugly behavior and no one likes it. Ask yourself this, if you were the one who did the dumping how would you react if your boyfriend suddenly spent his time pleading for you to take him back?
Desperate and needy behavior also has connotations of being high maintenance. Most guys will shy away from this because it's like trying to keep an out of control car under control. Eventually, there is a breaking or snapping point. If you are out of control, then this is a catalyst for driving him away and keeping him away.
Another reason why desperate and needy behavior is bad in your quest to win your ex boyfriend back is you run the risk of giving him too much power. In other words, letting him control the reigns on everything including decisions that affect you just because you don't want to lose him.
While trying to win him back avoid the temptation to jump at every invitation he makes. Be counter intuitive and play hard to get. You need to show him that you are not at his beck and call anytime he's feeling lonely and just sitting home waiting for his phone call.
Go out and enjoy yourself more and eventually this will filter back to him. This will show you have handled the break up very well and are moving on with your life. If he believes you are still obsessive about him then it's quite likely he'll use it to his advantage whenever he wants to avoid quiet time.
Your personal appearance needs to be stepped up. Don't get offended but many women will resign themselves to self pity and ignore their own appearance. Do the opposite. Look after yourself not just grooming and dress-wise but get out to the gym and really work on your fitness levels. Start eating healthy too. The big benefits here are an increase in your self esteem but whenever your ex boyfriend sees you and the great shape you're in then this can have a big bearing on how he views you in his life.
Use all the steps above in unison with each other and avoid just applying one and ignoring the others. When used together, this can make a profound difference and increase significantly the chances to get your ex boyfriend back.