Internet Dating Tip: The 2 Warning Signs That Spell Trouble

Jul 8


Daryl Campbell

Daryl Campbell

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The stories of things going wrong in the cyber dating world are legion. While there are no absolute guarantees when it comes to the internet, there are a two warning signs that you must be on guard against.


Online dating has changed the relationship rules like few things before or since. In fact with internet technology constantly changing and growing,Internet Dating Tip: The 2 Warning Signs That Spell Trouble Articles it's only a matter of time before online dating goes to the next level i.e. gets more interpersonal.

But it's not perfect. And just like anything else you have to be cautious in your dealings. Two things in particular you need to watch out for. 

1. Insistence

Each person moves at their own pace. In a relationship one party may want to accelerate things along while the other person may be more comfortable with a go slow approach. Either someone gives in or they work it out and find a happy medium.

But with online dating there is something quite alarming about dealing with a person who every time you chat with them it seems like they always put the pedal to the metal. The first time the two of you had your online discussions they wanted to get together. You told them that it was in the best interest of both parties to take it a little more deliberately. They agreed. That is until the next time you chat. Now they are even more adamant. When you ask them what the hurry is, do they give you a satisfactory response?

Even if they do your instincts should be alerting you to potential problems.  Be on the alert for any flashes of anger as well as the old emotional blackmail routine. This means if you don't agree to meet them immediately they will cut off all contact.  Don't fall for it. As a matter of fact do yourself a favor and beat them to the punch by ending the correspondence immediately.

2. Money

You did not join an online dating service to be anyone's personal atm machine. Sounds obvious but the number of people who have been scammed online continues to grow.

A little sugar coated smooth talk and being surprised at the number of things you both have in common can go along way. Once the rapport has been established then it's only a matter of time before you get the hard luck story. It can take the form of a family emergency or they really want to see you but just don't have the funds. After establishing a bond, the experienced scammer can play on your emotions in such a way that not only do you give them the money but it almost seemed like your idea. They didn't want to tell you their sad fairy-tale but you forced it out of them.  Stay on your guard and the minute they try to put the bite on you for some greenbacks, say goodbye. Also if possible report them to the dating service you are registered with.

Finding the right person online requires time, patience and taking the proper safety precautions. That is not to say that the search process itself cannot be enjoyable. Meeting new people and learning something you did not know before is a kick. Just stay alert to anyone who presses the issue too much when it comes to meeting immediately or handing over money.