Lame pick up lines do nothing to attract women. In this article, you’ll learn a different way to start talking to a girl.
It can be intimidating to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman. She’s surrounded by a group of her friends and you’re struggling to come up with the right way to approach her.
Unfortunately for you, you opt to follow the advice of your buddies and use one of the lame pick up lines they give you.
No sooner do you speak these words to her than she storms off from you, repulsed.
You know you lost your chance with her because you chose to use some phony conversation starter.
The quandary with using lame pick up lines is they aren’t actually effective at getting a woman’s positive attention. There are much more genuine ways to initiate an exchange that ensure much better results.
So rather than attempting to use lame pick up lines with attractive women, you should come up with unique things to say to her.
Here are several proven methods of initiating a successful conversation with a woman without sounding contrived:
1) Situational conversation starter-
This method is especially successful because it allows you to take advantage of your surroundings. If you happen to see something that’s unusual or especially comical, you can use it as an opportunity to approach a woman who also witnessed the event. Saying something witty or cracking a joke about the occurrence will lighten the atmosphere and show her that you have the ability to think on your toes.
2) Just act normally-
Simply walking up to a woman and introducing yourself is a great way to initiate a dialogue. Your straightforwardness and honesty will seem refreshing to her, and the fact that you avoid crazy gimmicks to pick up women will work in your favor. Just remember to ask her questions and listen to her in addition to talking about yourself.
3) Be Funny
Few things are more attractive to a woman than a good sense of humor. Your goal should be to act confidently while striving to make her laugh.
The essence of this method is that you aren’t being too obvious about the fact that you’re trying to win her affections. Rather, you’re simply having a conversation where the objective is to lure her in with your charm.
While lame pick up lines might make her laugh, chances are she’ll be laughing at you rather than laughing with you. Instead of using one of these canned conversation starters, opt for better ways to approach her.
Next time you decide to strike up a conversation with an attractive woman, try using one of the above techniques. You’ll realize how much more effective they are than lame pick up lines.
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