One Simple Trick to Attract a Good Man

Jan 22


Kate Strong

Kate Strong

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Want to meet a good man but feel like you're only attracting the wrong ones? There's a simple change you can make to your approach that might just do the trick. It's all about sending the right signals. By being more open and approachable, you can invite the right kind of attention. Here's how a small shift in your behavior can make a big difference.


Why Good Men Might Not Approach You

  • Lack of Signals: Good men often look for signs that you're interested or open to being approached. If you're not giving off these signals,One Simple Trick to Attract a Good Man Articles they might hesitate.
  • Fear of Rejection: Many men fear rejection and won't risk approaching someone who seems uninterested.
  • Introversion: If you're shy or introverted, you might not be giving off the vibes that you're open to meeting new people.

The Role of Players

  • No Fear of Rejection: Players are less concerned about rejection. They're more likely to approach you regardless of the signals you're sending.
  • Ego-Driven: Their approach is often driven by ego rather than genuine interest.

Simple Actions to Attract Good Men

  1. Engage with Strangers: Start small by talking to men you don't know. Ask a simple question like, "Do you have the time?" or "Can you help me with directions?"
  2. Smile and Make Eye Contact: A smile or lingering eye contact can signal that you're approachable and open to conversation.
  3. Be Open: Show that you're open to contact. This can make a good man feel more comfortable approaching you.

Different Perspectives

Perspective 1: The Traditional Approach

  • Men Should Initiate: Some believe men should make the first move. However, this can lead to missed opportunities if you're not signaling interest.
  • Cultural Norms: In some cultures, it's expected that men take the lead, which can make women hesitant to show interest.

Perspective 2: Modern Dating Dynamics

  • Equality in Dating: Modern dating encourages both parties to show interest. Women making the first move is becoming more accepted.
  • Empowerment: Taking control of your dating life can be empowering and lead to more fulfilling relationships.

Interesting Stats

  • Dating Apps: According to a 2020 Pew Research study, 30% of U.S. adults have used a dating app, but only 12% have found a committed relationship through them. Source
  • First Moves: A study by OkCupid found that women who make the first move are 2.5 times more likely to get a response. Source


By making small changes in how you interact with men, you can attract the right kind of attention. Whether it's smiling more or being open to conversation, these simple actions can make a big difference. Remember, it's about being approachable and showing interest in a way that feels comfortable for you.

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