Seduce Women Without Saying A Word
You can actually seduce women through eye contact and strong body language. In this article, you’ll learn a great way to do this!
orget chat up lines – you don't have time for them.It takes the average woman mere seconds to form a first impression of a man. In fact,
so quick are girls to judge that by the time you've spotted her, walked over and opened your mouth to speak, she will already know if she's interested in you.You see, girls get hit on by every other man they meet. They go to the shop, the clerk flirts with them. They head to a bar, heads turn. They open their front door and the bum on the street yells that heaven must be missing an angel. If they stopped to chat to every man who fancied his chances, they'd never get anything done – and so they've learnt to be picky. One glance at a guy tells a girl everything she needs to know.So forget crafting charming, witty opening lines, and focus on what matters most to her: those few fleeting moments before you've even had time to speak.But if you're no male model, don't worry – this isn't about your appearance. Sure, you should brush your teeth, style your hair and put on whichever clothes you're most confident in, but an extra couple of inches around your waistline aren't going to make or break the deal – the way you carry those extra couple of inches is.For your average woman, this split second judgement isn't based on looks – it's based on body language. And I'm going to tell you how to make yours do the talking.The most important thing is to carry yourself with confidence. Maybe you don't feel it, but you can certainly learn to fake it. Keep your head up, pull your shoulders back, smile at every opportunity, and never avoid making eye contact. Share your situation. If you've both witnessed something amusing, meet her eye and smile. If you're both stuck listening to a screaming fight, glance up and give her a grimace. If you're dithering in a shoe store, send her a look which invites some input. Self deprecation and silent humor are certain to get her attention.Good manners make a great impression. Hold doors open, help her up if she stumbles, give up the last packet of cookies in the shop. Act like a gentleman and ladies are going to respond.Or get yourself noticed with some good old fashioned charm. If she's supping a distinctive drink at the bar, send her another – she may well come over to thank you.And remember: just as she uses your actions to make split second decisions about you, you can use her response to gauge if she's worth pursuing.Some girls are unavailable. Some are in a foul temper that day. If she turns her back or blanks you, forget her – you've just saved yourself a whole heap of time and an awkward conversation.But if she smiles back shyly, you're in with a chance. If she starts to chatter, you've made an impression. If you want this connection to continue, conversation is fairly inevitable. But by playing those first few moments right, by taking the chance to amuse or to impress, you've ensured that when you ask her name, that girl will give you her number. And you haven't need to utter a word.