We Broke Up - What Do I Do Now?

Jan 22


John Vicki

John Vicki

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Breakups are tough, leaving you with a whirlwind of emotions and questions. You might be wondering if you should try to get back with your ex or move on. Before making any decisions, it's crucial to understand your feelings and motivations. This guide will help you navigate the aftermath of a breakup, offering different perspectives and practical steps to consider.


Understanding Your Emotions

  • Initial Shock: It's normal to feel numb and overwhelmed. Breakups can be devastating,We Broke Up - What Do I Do Now? Articles especially if unexpected.
  • No Villains Here: Remember, both parties are likely hurting. Try to see things from your ex's perspective.

Reflecting on the Relationship


  1. Assess Your Feelings: Do you genuinely want to reconcile, or are you afraid of being alone?
  2. Identify the Issues: Pinpoint when things started to go wrong. Often, it's not the last argument but an earlier unresolved issue.

Different Perspectives

  • Your View: You might feel blindsided and hurt, focusing on your pain.
  • Their View: Your ex might have been struggling too, leading to the breakup.

Steps to Move Forward

Fixing the Past

  1. Address the Root Cause: Identify and resolve the core issues that led to the breakup.
  2. Make Amends: Apologize sincerely and explain how you've worked to change.

Rebuilding or Moving On

  • Reconciliation: If both parties are willing, take small steps to rebuild trust. Consider meeting for coffee to discuss a potential fresh start.
  • Moving On: Sometimes, the healthiest choice is to let go and focus on personal growth.

Interesting Stats

  • Breakup Recovery: On average, it takes about 11 weeks to start feeling better after a breakup (source).
  • Common Reasons for Breakups: Communication issues and lack of trust are among the top reasons couples split (source).

Additional Resources

Breakups can be a turning point, offering a chance for personal growth and reflection. Whether you choose to reconcile or move on, understanding your emotions and motivations is key to healing.

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